A nice fresh washed morning at about 52 degrees outside made the conditions for a workout almost perfect!
A first at the FURY this am: a FNG! invited by both Capri and Alpo….however only one of those inviters showed…I will let you figure out which one…
Disclaimer was stated
Prayer was performed
Warm up:
Run to bottom of Fury RD near chick Fila and perform 120 merkins on the way down.
Bottom of hill was a quick COP;
SSH x 30IC
Jungle Boi Squat x 10 OYO
Merkins x15IC
Indian run back to coupon pile and grab 2 coupons (sounds simple enough, however YHC was doing all he could do to hold down the nice rib eye from Montague’s the night before…)
DORA 1-2-3
partner up:
100 pullups
somewhere about here FNG says “man, I didn’t realize how weak I was” to which we all say, some of us were there, some of us are still there…
200 dips
300 leg raises
cumulative exercises while partner farmer carries about 30 yards and performs 20 flutter kicks;
TIme was called before DORA was completed for 5 mins of mary
grab oversize bricks:
side raises x 10IC
Upright rows x 10 ic
front raises x 10 IC
Alternating shoulder presses x 20 IC
100 American hammers with brick
Time called
Announcements (read news letter)
Prayer request:
Refugee’s 2.0
Prayer was had!