F3 Greenwood

Well, we had four HCs for this morning’s Fury. #EpsteinsMother was in full effect last night during fbe Natty, so YHC expected a low turnout. And YHC was not disappointed in that regard. Two men took the focus off of themselves and posted for one another.

YHC was certain Pacer would show. That was both a good thing and a bad thing. Pacer can really push the pace and has that rare mix of strength and speed that makes you secretly hate him during a workout. But at the end of the day, that’s the man I want next to me when the crap hits the fan. Not because of his physical prowess, but because he has the heart to show up and put in work with no excuses. I have no doubt that he will stand toe-to-toe with me through thick and thin, even when it’s not convenient for him.

Here’s what we did:

  • – mosey to Laurel/Merrywood
  • – 50 merkins and 50 squats
  • – mosey to Laurel/Glenwood
  • – 50 V-Ups
  • – mosey about halfway down Janeway
  • – 50 merkins and 50 squats
  • – mosey to Grace/Janeway
  • – 50 V-Ups (pretty sure Pacer did 70 here)
  • – mosey to back side of Emerald Baptist Church
  • – 50 Dips on the wall
  • – Crawl bear the semi-spiraling staircase
  • – 5 burpees then AYG sprint to other end of parking lot
  • – Rinse and repeat x 5 (tougher than anticipated!)
  • – Mosey to Laurel/Merrywood
  • – 50 merkins and 50 squats
  • – Sprint all the way to pull-up bars
  • – max effort pull-ups and max effort dips
  • – rinse and repeat

Pacer and YHC watched the game until the end last night. Pacer alleges to have fallen asleep briefly, but woke up in time to see the fireworks at the end. But we got up and posted anyway. That’s what this is about. Meatloaf alluded to this the other day in his BB. You can’t sharpen or be sharpened in your bed. You can’t be part of a support system for another man in your bed. Y’all can call me crazy, too intense or whatever. But it’s been proven too many times over to ignore what works.

It reminds me of Israel and their constant struggle to follow God. They would do what had been working for a while, then they would do it their way for a while. Their way inevitably led to suffering, sometimes for hundreds of years.

Fast forward to Ano Domini times. How many times have we tried to continue doing things our way, only to find that it caused us and those around us great suffering. Yet like a dog returns to its vomit, so we return to our folly.

About three years ago, I committed to doing what worked, regardless of what I thought should work or what should logically work. I decided to quit carin about theories and start caring about results. Results matter. Period. Just ask the Clemson Tigers.

This has caused some significant pain during that three-year span. I have had to make some very difficult adjustments. But I can’t keep myself on that path. I beer off into the ditch of my own way. But with the help of my brothers, I can keep the straight and narrow.

We need each other, men. Not to be the status quo, “let’s don’t hurt anyone’s feelings”‘type of men. We need authenticity and candor. We need trust. Those things are forged in the cold and the darkness of the gloom. No shortcuts. No excuses.