6 pax took their big boy red pill and posted at Fury. Pax ran and drove from near and far…..wait a minute we are in Greenwood….really not that far unless you are running! YHC was honored to have the Q and had his eyes set on a small milestone to kick things off. YHC has attained the status of SSH COP maestro. Yep, pretty much guaranteed you will do a few of those to kick things off. Last time we hit 60 thanks to a Juggernaut technical glitch with his phone. Today, onward and upward and hopefully a few other good total body beatdown moves to get the day started right!
Mountain Climbersx20IC
LBAC’sx15 Front/Back/Overhead IC
Mosey to Bars
Dips Max Reps
Pull-ups Max Reps
Abs 3sets
Grab Coupon Mosey to Picnic shelter
4 Rounds
Box Jumpsx20
4 Rounds
Step Upsx20 count each leg w/ coupons
Tri Extsx15
Bent Over Rowsx20
22 Merkins for the 22 Veterans who will commit suicide today.
Countorama, Namerama, Prayer( Refugee’s son has swallow study today and surgery is currently scheduled for June 1, Sugar’s dad has surgery today for skin cancer removal on his head, The Bartley Family, Walker, Meatloaf)
Naked moleskin
So the pax completed 80 SSH’s! The challenge is already out there from Refugee to go for 100!
The pull up bars brought out a good deal of mumblechatter and how to improve your numbers. Just watch MeterMaid, dude rocked out 15 on the first set! Juggernaut also has plenty of info on kipping….which led to MM showing us some of his moves. Sugar boasted about his skills at home…….enough said. You had to be there for the rest of that story.
Uncle buck shared with us his daughter’s shock and awe after his shirtless entry yesterday after the Starbuck’s run. Uncle Buck was drenched from the run, went shirtless entry and poor kid was downstairs. The shock was Uncle Buck still has his band aids protecting his sensitive upper areas from the day before! The struggle is real Uncle Buck!
YHC addressed Chubbs situation with warmer weather coming and his attire. The tights maybe gone….what remains we do not know.
YHC called a couple of audibles today. 100 SSH’s was on the agenda but modified on the fly. YHC also modified from 3 to 4 rounds on the last group of exercises. That went over really well with the pax, but we had 3 more minutes!
All in all another great day at Fury, good friends, good mumblechatter and hopefully we all got a little better. Keep pushing the rock guys! I enjoyed being your Q….well done! Aye!