YHC woke up to the sound of a downpour hitting the roof and had a brief moment of regret for signing up to Q this morning. In fact, after the usual morning pre-BC routine, the M said, “You know it’s pouring, right?” and then she said, “You have the Q, don’t you?” Gosh, she is so smart. YHC slightly hoped that maybe no one else would show but YHC knew better. No amount of rain, snow , or sleet can keep the Fury regulars away as Inspector and Crayola were waiting for YHC in their vehicles. And shortly thereafter Foreclosure, Chipper, and Weaver joined the party.
Disclaimer was given and off we want.
SSH x 25
Imperial Walkers x 25
Cut the grass x 25
Merkins IC x 10
The Thang
Tabata style workout
30 seconds work:15 seconds rest
Workout was divided into groups: legs, arms, core.
Do 3 sets of one group before moving onto the next group
After each group is completed, do 50 calf raises
Leg Group
Bonnie Blair to a lateral hop
Bonnie Blair on each leg and then hop to the side
Squat to a turn
Squat when facing forward and then hop and twist to the side
Prisoner getups
Trunk rotation to a knee drop
Upper Body Group
Plank hops
High plank position and bring your legs up and back
Step-through merkins
Perform a merkin, when in the up position bring your leg under and across your body
Merkin toe taps
Perform a merkin, when in the up position reach your hand down to your opposite foot
Merkin pulses
Stay in the mid-range of the merkin and make small, quick movements
Core Group
Low plank with a twist
In a low plank position, bring opposite knee to opposite elbow.
High plank bridge
In a high plank position, bring opposite knee to opposite elbow and then raise butt to ceiling.
Moving mountain climber
Perform the mountain climber and keeping your hands attached to the ground, move your legs in a half circle
V-sit position pulses
Get in v-sit position with hands on ground and legs about 6 inches off of the ground. Make small, quick movements up and down with the legs.
Overtime Work
Overtime #2
Leg Raises
Recover was called and we circled up.
Adopting the Tullis family for Christmas – more details to come
Prayer Requests
Koby and family
What a beautiful morning in the gloom. YHC was hoping to get a little bit of running in but the rain never let up. It poured the entire BC. Thankfully we had some alternative tunes from Crayola and a bright arse light from Foreclosure.
Beano shared this workout yesterday on our D2D text thread and YHC was intrigued by the different movements, so we gave it a whirl. YHC hopes the PAX that braved the elements enjoyed the slight change in pace and variety.
YHC was looking for a relatively leg friendly workout since YHC was weak and caved into peer pressure and is running a half marathon on Saturday. YHC hopes this wasn’t the last you ever hear from him. If so, YHC isn’t sure who the vice-nantan is but he needs to be ready.
Until next time,