F3 Greenwood

YHC has always enjoyed a RedFriday workout and today was no different.  I arrived about 5:05 to see several PAX making their way to the playground at Epicenter for a running of the IronPAX week one challenge… relay style.  Each man had one of the exercises and it was recorded to show proper form.  Goal is to get a good measure of the time to complete without any rests, breaks, and no transition between workouts.  Afterwards, 5 PAX transitioned into a RedFriday workout to get some quality work in before 6 am, while the other 4 PAX went for a jog. It went down like this:

IronPax week one relay work:

Bean-O – Squats

SouthernBelle – Big Boy Sit ups (2C held feet)

Sugar – Merkins

Duggar – Bonnie Blairs

Alpo – Burpees

Uncle Jesse – 400M Sprint

BabyBlu – Professional videographer and official idea comer uppper for this

Cumulative Time: 18:57

The actual RedFriday Thang:


30 KettleBell Swings

30 Burpees

30 Big Boy Situps

5 rounds for time


Announcements: Saturday will be at the Epicenter, IronPAX challenge continues, don’t forget to post your time at F3Greenwood.com, Get on the Q sheet and give back what has been freely given

Prayer Requests: Duggar’s 2.0 is at the beach with some friends, Unspoken prayer requests as well

Message: Matthew 13:31 “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which a man has planted in his field”  YHC spoke in regards to the perspective of the seed.  When the seed is planted it is surrounded by darkness and relying on another to water it.  As it takes root and begins to grow into a tree, it still requires water.  Eventually it becomes a tree that bears fruit and has limbs for birds to land on.  The water we as men need to grow is the Word of God and other men around us that have become trees to pour into us.  This is not a one time dumping of water.  Just like the tree in this parable, it takes time to grow.  So no matter where you are in your walk with Christ, your workout, and your life, you yourself still need water to grow and as you become a fruit-bearing tree, birds with come to you to land on your limbs and enjoy your fruit.  Be mindful of your growth, be watchful for seeds that need watering, be conscious of the birds in your life, and give back where you can.  Ask yourself a couple of questions:  Who in my life needs water? Where can I make a difference? Am I the one that needs watering? Who are my trees? What example have they set and am I growing as they grow?  Just a few.



-We had a watcher from the swings this morning and Uncle Jesse took off every round of his 400M run.  The gentlemen commented “frigging wheels!” in regards to UJ’s pace.  UJ said it was about a 4:55 minute mile pace.  He was moving!

-YHC was impressed by the work that was done for the IronPAX relay.  Form was kept and some amazing work was done.  New goals were set.

-Weaver and Alpo finished 4 rounds of Hansen before time was called.  The rest were in various stages of the 3rd.  We didnt start the work until 5:35.

Until next time,

AGM – 2C