F3 Greenwood

YHC usually doesn’t ask for HC’s for his Q’s. I know there are plenty of options so I just leave it up to the PAX as to where they want to post. Plus YHC wants those guys who want to post and not the one’s that feel obligated to post. You have to have the desire inside of you to push yourself, that was what YHC was looking for this morning from the PAX.

Conditions: Wonderful, temps very pleasant not to hot and not to cold

Disclaimer: Given push yourself but don’t hurt yourself, your here on your own free will.

Today will be a simple workout where you will choose how hard you push yourself. The work will be completed solo and will be 10 rounds of work.

Mosey to the coupons, grab one and meet on the opposite side of the soccer field (we will need the benches to complete one of the exercises.

COP (was more of just a straight line with the Q out front)

15 LBAC IC (Forward and backwards)
15 Heel Taps IC
15 Freddy Mercury IC
15 Grass Cutters IC

The Thang

10 Rounds push yourself and see how far you can get.

10 Lawnmowers
15 Pull-Overs
20 Overhead Press
25 Curls
30 Chest Presses
Run to the other side and complete 15 Heel Taps IC (YHC originally planned and called Freddy Mercury in the disclaimer but in COP YHC learned a nagging injury would not sustain 150 Freddy Mercury, so if you can’t do it kicked in and YHC called Heel Taps)

Rinse and repeat for as many rounds as possible.

We split into groups of 4 to have room on the benches for the lawnmowers. One group of 4 had much more chatter than the other group. I’ll let you guess which group Polly was in and the first 2 guesses don’t count.

Recover and return coupons and meet at shovel flag.

YHC challenged the PAX to put forth the effort not only in BC but most importantly at home. No matter how hard we work in the gloom it is meaningless if we are not working harder at home leading our wives and kids. YHC says this message often and will continue because we are all prone to wander.

Countorama 8 PAX


2nd F Lunch
6am Epicenter this Saturday for BC


YHC Closed in Prayer

Great to have Lego and Thumper back with us at the Epicenter. No matter where you post guys, just post.