YHC really likes to Q workouts. First of all, there is nothing like that dose of Qdrenaline you have that always helps to keep pushing at a high level. YHC is also an idea guy (some good, some bad, some horrible) and likes to develop new challenges for the pax.
Yesterday was different. YHC was trying to tap into that creative, sadistic part of his brain and couldn’t seem to come up with anything. It got so bad at one point, YHC almost settled on a Dora (the Dora used to be the staple workout in TheWood, but she has seemed to be missing of late) but that would have been way too routine.
Then it hit me, do laps around the Epicenter track (approx .75 miles) while stopping at each light pole for some work…probably something like 10-20 merkins at each pole on the first lap and something like 10-20 squats at each pole on the next lap. After conferring with former AOQ Meatloaf (didn’t bother asking current AOQ Polly, I knew he wouldn’t know and he barely responds now that he has to actually work at his new job) it was determined that there are approximately 25ish poles around the perimeter and the idea was scrapped. Back to the drawing board where the following was designed:
The Thang
20-15-10 Reps of each Exercise
Goblet Squats
Box jumps
Coupon Lunge
Run and touch gate (200 yards) – SSH for the 6
20-15-10 Reps of each Exercise
Incline merkins
Decline merkins
OH press
Run and touch gate (200 yards) – air claps for the 6
20-15-10 Reps of each Exercise
BigBoi Sit-ups
Flutter kicks
Run and touch gate (200 yards) -Plank for the 6
Triceps Extension
Run and touch gate (200 yards) – imperial walker for the 6
modified to last set to only the sets of 20 due to time constraints
- Saturday workout is Battleship at Shipyard 0600 – all other AOs closed
- Next Wednesday will be first ever F3 Rabbit Chase at the #coffeeruns – submit your Starbucks 5k route goal time to Sugar so that you can get your starting time for the race
#tclaps to ColdFeet for sending us off with a word of prayer – strong effort but still not to the caliber of Duggar