F3 Greenwood

8 Pax posted to a Biscuit burning (no sausage party found here) WOD. Durning the Mumble Chatter, before kickoff time, YHC gave a clue to the up coming prescribed by referencing the 1st F contribution to last weekend’s News Letter. Either the crickets were the only ones that had read the newsletter or the only ones that picked up on my reference.

Conditions: 49*

Disclaimer: Given

SSH x 25 IC
Cut the Grass x 25 IC

Merk-Indian Run to the Hill.

20 Burpees at the bottom
Sprint to the top
5 WWI Sit-Ups
Crab Walk to the bottom
Rinse and repeat, decreasing reps at the bottom by 5 and increasing the reps at the top by 5

Merk-Indian Run to the Soccer For
Grab a Coupon on the way

Line up on the sideline

50 Curls
Bearbee Crawl (refer to last weekend’s news letter or the Exicon) to the other sideline.
50 Reverse Crunches
Bearbee Crawl back increasing the Burpees by 1 each lap across.
Rinse and Repeat

Recover and return coupons.

Mosey to the Shovel Flag.

Words of Wisdom by The Meter

A frequent excuse you here when you ask someone why they quit coming to the workouts, to Church, or to something similar is; “I just don’t feel like I’m getting anything out of it”. All to often when we are trying something new, the first question we ask ourselves is “what am I going to get out of this”. Instead we should take the opposite approach and ask ourselves “what can I contribute to this”. If we go to a workout and give max effort, the individual benefits will be there. If we join F3 Greenwood and look for ways that we can contribute to the group, the individual benefits will come naturally. If we go to a church and look to see how we can serve in that Church, the spiritual benefits will there. In all these instances the mind set coming in greatly effects the rewards. If we first look to see how we can serve versus how we will be served, the impact on us and the impact we have on others will be greatly increased.



* Battleship Saturday @ the Yard
* Run your Ice Off afterward
* The rest of the Saturday workouts in February will be at Fury.
* Assault 4/1

Prayer Requests:
* 8-Mile
* Rocky
* Bubba
* Smoky’s 2.0 (double ear infection)
* Fabio (wrist and travel)

* Polly continues to do a great job as the Epicenter AOQ. #MEGA
* #Tclaps to Fabio for posting despite his wrist not allowing him to do the workout. He looked like the Energizer Bunny as he ran laps around the Epicenter.
* Nice to see the Smokedog making a comeback.
* Solid work by all!

As always…
Until the next Q
MM is out