F3 Greenwood

Conditions:  A Crisp, Clear, Cold 41*

It was one year ago today that I dragged myself out of the fartsack to make my first post with F3 Greenwood. More on that later. For now, let’s get to the real reason the five of us posted at the Epicenter this morning: to push each other and get better.

Disclaimer Given at 7:00


25 Imperial Walkers IC

LBACs- forward, backwards, overhead claps, front claps, Moroccan night clubs- 25 each IC #crowdpleaser

Grass Cutters 25 IC

American Hammers 25 IC

Merkins 25 OYO

Mosey to the cage, grab a coupon, partner up, line up on sideline of short soccer field

DORA 123

Work is cumulative. While Partner 1 does reps, partner 2 runs across field, does 10 hand release merkins and runs back. Switch.

100 Overhead Presses

200 Kettlebell Swings

300 Curls

Return coupons to their home and mosey to the gazebo.

21-15-9 AMRAP- 10 mins

21 LBCs

15 Seated Dips

9 Merkins

Mosey back to Shovel flag.


Reverse Crunches 25 OYO

Flutter kicks 25 each leg OYO

Thor’s Hammers (BB sit-ups with 4 American Hammers=1) 15 OYO

1 Minute Plank

Time Called




-Habitat for Humanity Nov 18- Contact Pusher for details and to HC

-Read the newsletter

-Sign up to Q

Prayer Requests: Judge Hairy, Thumper’s 2.0, PAX dealing with injuries


One year ago today I made the decision to drag myself out of the fartsack to see what this F3 thing was all about. I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The multi-faceted, personal transformation that I have experienced since that day has made me a better man, husband, father, friend, and teacher.  Thanks to every man who has been there for me throughout my personal struggles and every man who has posted beside me and strengthened me with their presence and encouragement at the workouts and runs. And a very special thanks to my M, Michelle, who has patiently listened to me go on and on about F3 and has been by my side as I do my best to improve as a husband and father. It is because of her and my girls that I continue to drag myself out of the fartsack to be a part of this crazy thing called F3.

As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to serve my fellow PAX by Qing. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Dixie Chick