Today was Epicenter’s day for the IronPax workout of the week. After reading and listening to the comments from PAX earlier in the week, to be hones YHC was a little concerned but excited to see how we all attacked the work.
Disclaimer given at 6:14, proper explanation of exercise form was given as well, and we moseyed to the pull-up bars.
Warm-up (YHC didn’t want to do too much here but figured we needed to do something.)
SSH x 15
Cut the grass x 10
The Thang
4 rounds of
50 Squats
40 Big-Boys
30 Merkins
20 Bonnie Blairs (counting one leg)
10 Burpees
400 meter run
Pinto – 36:49
BenGay – 37:54
Weaver (R) – 38:06
Otis – 43:15
Judge Hairy – 46:02
Lemon – DNF (his knee started hurting after the Bonnie Blair, Burpee, run combination. But he was a great motivator for the rest of us.
Saturday is at the Epicenter with Koby on the Q
New IronPax workout will be released Sunday
Prayer Requests:
Lemon’s dad had a bone marrow test yesterday that took a lot out of him. Waiting for results that will determine next course of treatment.
Lemon’s grandfather and uncle got great test results back
Meatloaf’s uncle with his battle with cancer and friend who had to relocate on the mission field.
Lego – continue to keep him in your prayers and reach out to him
Uncle Jesse and Judge Judy
-YHC underestimated the impact of the short rest interval between squats, Bonnie Blairs (everyone agreed that this was their least favorite exercise), and the burpees. YHC’s legs haven’t been this sore in a long time, almost fell down the stairs at my house this morning. Have to stop skipping leg day.
-All of the PAX worked their tails off to complete this as quickly as possible but Pinto is a beast.
-After the 2nd round, Otis commented that he could finish this because his granddaughter thinks he’s Batman which got us talking about the worst Batman actors and the verdict was definitely George Clooney with Val Kilmer a close second. Michael Keaton is definitely considered the best.
-Even though Lemon had to pull up due to injury, he continues to amaze with his determination and effort. He is down 35 pounds and has cut his mile time from 22:00 to a sub 17:00. That is awesome.
Can’t wait to see what next week brings.
Until next time,