F3 Greenwood

YHC had the privilege to watch 17 men push, drag, and hop themselves through the moistness of the bunny killing grounds at the Mothership.

Disclaimer was inferred. (Oops)

The Thang

1 Round For Time

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 25yds
25 Thruster
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 50yds
50 Alternating block merkins
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 75yds
75 Curl Presses
Return to the goal line with your block

10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 100yds
100 Block Windshield Wipers
Return to the goal line with your block
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)

Standard for the Block Windshield Wipers:
Sitting in the American Hammer position. Place block vertical (tall ways) directly in front of you. Starting with feet together on one side of the block, raise your feet over the block and touch your heels on the ground. That’s 1 rep. Back and forth each heel tap is a rep. Torso needs to be at approx 45deg angle from ground, knees bent, hands can brace ground or float in the air.

Standard for the Alternating Block Merkins:
Start with left hand on the block, right hand on the ground, perform 1 merkin. Then switch hands, right hand on the block and left hand on the ground and perform one merkin. Together it is 1 rep. 50 reps ultimately you’re doing 100 merkins.

Standard for the Murder Bunnies:
Stand with feet slightly more than shoulder width apart with block longways between them. Bend over and grab the block, lift it a few inches off the ground and move it fwd until you can’t reach. Then, put the block down, transition your weight to the block(thru your hands) and hop (think burpee) your feet back to where they are on either side of the block.

Standard for the Burpee Block Jump Overs:
Starting beside the block, perform a burpee, then jump (left or right) over the block. This equals 1 rep. Flapjack left and right over the block for 10 reps.

Standard for the Curl Press:
Start holding the block in the down position directly in front of your waist. Curl the block to your chest. At the top of the curl, transition to an Overhead Press. Press the block vertical until your arms are fully extended with your head between your arms. Once at the top, lower the block to the top of the curl and then back to the starting position.


    Duggar – 28:20
    MaryAnne – 33:53
    UncleJesse – 34:30
    Dempsey – 36:38
    DixieChick – 36:39
    Sour – 39:22
    Sugar – 40:02
    2C – 42:08
    TootsieRoll – 42:52
    SpecialK – 43:01
    Lego – 44:24
    Pusher – 45:05
    Scrub – 45:24
    MeterMaid – 54:34
    Abacadaba – 54:53
    Kobayashi – 54:54



      IPC – Thursday at 5 at Epicenter and Saturday at 6 at Epicenter
      Clown car sign-up for trip to F3Classic City this Saturday

    Prayer Requests

      Weaver’s M
      Scrum’s mother had successful heart surgery
      Blu’s daughter and the grand2.0s


      YHC had the opportunity to watch 17 men tackle this madness created by Crayola and YHC is not looking forward to Thursday morning. Men pushed themselves beyond what they thought they could do and that is what this thing is all about.
      YHC has to give major TCLAPS to Sugar. Sugar did an extra 75 yards of murder bunnies with the 6. And this is what IPC and F3 is all about. Not leaving a man behind. And when they think they are done, drag them with you. This needs to continue through out F3Greenwood and F3 even though IPC is finishing up. Keep encouraging the 6. Keep accelerating forward to be better men.

Until next time,
