Cobains for the extremely tardy backblast. It’s been a crazy week since this workout and I can come up with plenty of excuses, but I won’t offer any up. I just didn’t get it done in a timely manner. But I did beat Duggar who had the Q at the Epicenter two days prior to YHC.
Conditions: Cold
Disclaimer: Given prior to the warmup
- Windmills x 20 – IC
- LBAC x 20 – IC (forward and reverse)
- Shoulder Tap Merkins x 10 – OYO (5 each side)
Mosey to the soccer field and line up on the sideline
- Perform 1 merkin and 1 lbc
- Run to the other sideline
- 2 merkins and 2 lbc’s
- Run back to near sideline
- 3 merkins and 3 lbc’s….so on and so forth
- At 11 merkins and 11 lbc’s, YHC called for 20 slow squats (IC) and 20 flutter kicks (OYO)
- Then back to the work at hand – continue merkins and lbc’s
- A few pax made it to 18 merkins and 18 lbc’s before time was called
Grab a coupon and meet back up on the sideline
- 50 curls
- 40 monkey humpers
- 30 american hammers (count right side)
- 20 OH presses
- 10 burpees
- 10 burpees
- 20 OH presses
- 30 american hammers (count right side)
- 40 monkey humpers
- 50 curls
There’s a few minutes left so let’s do 20 chest presses, 20 alpos, 20 tricep extensions
Time’s up, return coupons and mosey to the flag.
Prayer Requests
- Mumblechatter was abundant prior to this workout. Thumper jumped out of the truck and started talking about how the guy who played Barney was now in a more adult oriented business. YHC and Polly thought Don Knotts had died a few years back, but Thumper clarified that he was talking about Barney the dinosaur.
- For some reason this led Polly down the rabbit hole about how one of the Teletubbies had died by freezing to death on the sidewalk. Tinky Winky seemed to be a theme for Polly’s mumblechatter throughout the remainder of the workout.
- For the record, YHC had no idea who or what Tinky Winky was before this conversation. If you want to know more, ask Polly, he’s the expert.
- The Epicenter boys put in a solid morning’s work and are now better for it. It’s always a pleasure to visit the mothership.