Conditions: 33 degrees, humidity 92%
Disclaimer given
WU – Indian run to Flossy’s Hill the long way (passing the cage)
The Thang – workin’ out the soreness
Round 1
1 burpee at top of hill, bear crawl down hill
2 WWII sit-ups at bottom, back pedal up the hill
Increase burpees by 1, sit-ups by two each set
Round 2
1 hand-release Merkin at the top, mosey down
2 Bonnie Blairs (hard way) at bottom, bear crawl back up
Same as before, increase Merkins by 1, BBs by 2 each set
Indian run back to pull-up bars
1 pull-up, 10 walking lunges
Increase by 1 pull-up each set till time called
Announcements: D2D is over. March Madness has begun. Tweeter attempted to review all the rules and regulations. Delusional’s M’s store has Grand Opening next week – Emerald Nutrition.
Prayer requests: Chris Brown with 2nd round of chemo this week; Ukraine; Pusher’s, Flossy’s and Dempsey’s fathers; Duggar’s and Scrum’s mothers
YHC didn’t want to punish the D2D runners today, but figured a little light leg workout would help with complaints of soreness. A nice Indian Run sounded like a good warmup and brought immediate reaction from a few PAX. Found out that bear crawling down Flossy’s Hill ain’t no joke, especially after a few burpees. YHC called a few audibles to avoid having the other PAX calling 911 to come pick me up. The D2D’ers hung right in there with the rest of the PAX. Nantan missed a lot of his favorite exercise today.
Good to see the regulars and some of the non-regulars out today. March Madness has officially started, for Mr. Bean actually came to a BC.
A good time was had by all (maybe) and work was definitely done.
Tickle out