F3 Greenwood

5 PAX braved the early morning monsoon in the gloom for Fabio’s AMRAP rep-fest.  It went something like this:





Side Straddle Hop 25X

Flutter Kicks 20X


Double Merkins (1 Werkin + 1 Merkin = 1 rep) 10X OYO

Copperhead Squats (on a 4-count, 15X)

Imperial Walkers 20X


Coupon Shuffle and meet on the soggy swampy soccer field to find 4 traffic cones set up in a square, 40 yards between cones.


AMRAP Set 1:  sprint and stop at each cone, 10 Merkins and 10 Squat Jumpers, Rinse and Repeato – 10 minutes.


AMRAP Set 2:  sprint and stop at each cone (with your Coupon), 20 Block Presses (on your 6), 20 LBC’s (with or without Coupon), 20 Block Curls.  Rinse and Repeato – 12 minutes.


AMRAP Set 3:  Upper body picnic – Mosey to nearby picnic shelter and take your place at the table for 15 Bench Merkins, 15 Dips, and 15 Double-Step-Ups.  Rinse and Repeato – 10 Minutes.  Mosey back to soccer field.


AMRAP Set 4:  One PAX runs one lap on AMRAP 4-corners, stopping at each traffic-cone to do 10 Monkey-Humpers.  While One PAX runs the Monkey-Humper course, he instructs other PAX what to do until he returns for 5 laps (PAX Choice):  1)  LBC’s, 2)  Plank Leg Lifts, 3)  Block Rows, 3)  Mountain Climbers, 4) Block Curls, 5) V-Ups.   Mosey back to shovel-flag, Coupons-in-tow.

Count-O-Rama & Name-O-Rama

Announcements: Big Bang in Augusta November 7.  F3 Greenwood will lead expansion workout on November 21.  Q’s needed so step up and lead.

Prayer Concerns: Continued prayers for flood-victims in Lakelands and Midlands.  Co-worker of Peaches with hurt back.  Fabio offered prayer and an optional Devotional based on Galatians 2:17-21.  “It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives within me.”