YHC had a marvelous opportunity to lead the mean of Epicenter in our last boot camp before we start to taper for the Swamp Rabbit Half this weekend. YHC broke out an oldie but a goodie, the Spokes on a Wheel workout, recently inspired by a trip to Fury. Work was done, complaints were heard, abs of platinum were forged.
SSH x20
IW x20
Plank Jacks x20
Flutter kicks x20
Air Squats x20
Mosey to coupons
The Thang:
Spokes – 5 points, between each exercise, 5 burpees. All exercises 50 reps.
Arm round: 1) curls, 2) overhead press, 3) chest press, 4) triceps extension, 5) Alpos
Abs: 1) BB sit ups 2) Mountain Climbers, 3) Freddie Mercuries, 4) Reverse Crunches 5) V-ups
Announcements. Swamp Rabbit this Saturday.
Devotion: “”So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6:34 NASB
Prayer requests: Runners, Rocky, Bubba Fennel.