That was the theme for #DawnStrike this morning. Skys out, thighs out was thrown in at the end for the picture in honor of DriveBy, who’s on the DL for the time being.
Conditions: Warm 75, humid. I believe the sweat started rolling pretty quickly.
The Thang:
Mosey from the front of school to brickpile for warm up COP
- Imperial walkers – 20 4ct. IC
- Variation #1 – Smurf jacks – 20 4ct. IC
- Variation #2 – Seal jacks – 20 4ct. IC
- LBAC forward – 15 4ct. IC
- LBAC reverse – 15 4ct. IC
- CLBC – 25 4ct. IC
- Burpees – 10 OYO
Pick up 3 logs (3 teams of 4) and carry to the goal line on the upper field. Set down, we will come back to these later.
Mosey to court yard behind the school and choose a bench.
- Step ups – 10 each leg
- Dips – 10 OYO
- Decline merkins – 10 OYO
- Plank for 6
- Wall sits – 60 secs.
- Rinse, repeat
Mosey to pick up blocks and line up at the end of the back parking lot. Partner up for the next 3 rounds.
- Round 1 – Farmer carry blocks around the parking lot / Flutter kicks, flap jack
- Plank for 6
- Round 2 – Cusak around the parking / Coblet squats, flap jack
- Plank for 6
- Round 3 – Standing Cusak / Lunge walk to first island, duck walk back, flap jack
- Plank for 6
- Curls for the girls while returning blocks to the brickpile
Return to the logs – 3 teams of 4
- Team sit ups w/log – 10
- Team bench press w/log – 10
- Plank for 6
- Rinse, repeat
Line up poles on the goal line. As a team, flip the logs down the field `110 yards
Carry logs back and put away
Mosey to People’s Wall
- Wall sit arms overhead – 60 secs
- Recover – 15 secs
- Wall sit arms out – 60 secs
- Recover – 15 secs
- Balls to the wall
- Wall walkers (walk hands out and feet down the wall and then back up) – 5 OYO
- Recover
- Plank for 6
Circle up for raise the roof – 1 merkin, 10 overhead press, up to 10 merkins and down to 1 OH press
Done. Great work men.
- Glad to have Duggar from F3Greenwood. He EHed his brother (FNG – Philly) who lives over in West Cola and they both posted this morning. Glad to have you out with us. Y’all did great. Keep posting.
- FNG – Daniel Scurry posts with his brother from F3Greenwood > lives in West Cola > named his son after his brother and talks about his love for him > Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love) > Philly
- Binary, glad you made the trip from out in the Northeast. It was good to see you.
- #Mubblechatter is second to none at #dawnstrike and was no different this morning. With logs and tanks, there was a lot to discuss (see Twitter pic).
That is all.