7 potential Meatheads (some of us have already been tagged as a Meathead, but if you have not been and posted today there’s a pretty good chance that shoe fits) posted this morning to see what all this fuss is about low temps. Well… the fuss turns out to be that it’s stupid cold out here.
But these guys didn’t let that get in their way of stepping out of their comfort zone.
Conditions: If you haven’t already heard, it was 4th F’n cold this morning.
Disclaimer: Given
Warm-up: Uh… well we did these exercises to start out with, but not sure it really warmed us up.
Cut the grass x10 IC
Windmills x15 IC
SSH x20 IC
Mosey to the Pull-up Bars
The Work:
21-15-9: Do 21 reps of each exercise, run, do 15 reps of each exercise, run, do 9 reps of each exercise, run.
1st Set:
Pull-ups (modify with a 30 second hang, 20 second hang, & 10 second hang, or use the low bar)
Incline Merkins (using the barrier around the sandbox)
Big Boy Sit-ups
Bonnie Blairs
Run the 400 meter lap around the field
Mosey to the Center of the Complex
2nd Set:
Australian Mountain Climbers (Count 1 Leg)
Leg Raises
Run to the Coupon Cage and back
Time didn’t allow for us to mosey to the Gazebo so we stayed at the Center of the Complex
3rd Set:
Decline Merkins
Box Jumps (or Step Ups)
Run to the Coupon Cage and back
Mosey to the Shovel Flag
* Today is Jersey Mikes
* Lego and the other Ruckers will be rucking from Starbucks tomorrow at 0500. They will have extra rucks if you would like to see what it’s all about.
* Saturday’s workout will be at the Shipyard. Pretty sure we still need a Q. Leaner?
* Run Your Ice Off 5k/8k is February 3rd. This is a great way to gauge where you are now. If you have run the 5k in the past it’s time to step up to the 8k. If you have run the 8k in the past it’s time to try and beat your previous times. Price increases 1/26/18.
Prayer Requests:
* Sugar’s Sister-in-law
* YHC arrived at the Epicenter around 0500 and saw 2 empty vehicles. The headlights were already off, so YHC could not confirm that the black truck belonged to Flossy. But as I was soaking up the last bit of heat that I could, I saw Flossy and Tweeter getting in a couple of pre BC miles. Tclaps men.
* I thought Duggar was going to be the last to show, as he was getting out of “one of the many” vehicles he may show up in (I think he likes the car because he can show off with the remote start as the workout is ending. He found out today though, that there’s a timer and if he talks too long it will cut off on him), as we were starting the “warm-up”, but as we were getting ready to start the SSH Lego shows up. That put the finishing touches on what would be a great group.
* YHC remembers a time that when Pull-ups were called a groan of cheers from the group would erupt. It now appears that Bonnie Blairs have replace the Pull-up as the overall crowd favorite.
* As we were finishing up the round of 15 in the first set, my fingers were stinging to the point that I feared frost bite may be setting in. I have a low tolerance for pain and even lower tolerance for stupid cold temps. Had to pull my fingers out of the finger part of the glove and wear them as mittens. May be procuring a pair of mittens in the not too distant future.
* Duggar has been sandbagging a few of his recent Boot Camps, but not today. He regained his position and the #1 seed and led the way most of the morning.
* Flossy continues on the path of reinstating his BC dominance.
* It was nice to see Tweeter make a showing at a BC.
* Lego took a rucking break and showed us that even though we (me) haven’t seen him in a while he’s still been putting in some strong work.
* The Epicenter would not be the Epicenter with out the dynamic duo of Judge Hairy and that other guy… um… Polly. (Congrats Polly) These guys are the glue that makes the Epicenter Great!
That’s all folks, let’s get the heck out of here!
Until the next Q,
The Meter is paid up…