9 Pax posted at the Epicenter despite a Stranger being in the midst. I’m not referring to the FNG, but instead the Q. It’s not often I make the journey all the way across town to post at the Epicenter.
Conditions: Upper 30’s.
Disclaimer: Given
SSH x30 IC
Cut the Grass x 15 IC
Procure a coupon and meet at the Pull-Up bars.
Set #1
10 Burpees
10 Tricep Extensions
10 V-ups
10 Bonnie Blairs (Counting 1 side of course)
Run 400 meter lap
Rinse and Repeat
Max Pull-ups/Dead Hangs for the 6
Set #2
25 Merkins
25 Alpo’s
25 Big Boy Sit-ups
25 Squats
Run 400 meter lap
Rinse and Repeat
Max Pull-ups/Dead Hangs for the 6
Set #3
50 Chest Presses
50 Curls
50 American Hammers (Yes, counting one side only)
50 Calf Raises
Run 400 meter lap
Rinse and Repeat
Return Coupons and circle up around the Shovel Flag.
* Thursday’s workout is at the Shipyard @ 0600
* Saturday’s workout is at Fury @ 0600
* Jingle all the way 5K is 12/2
Prayer Requests:
* Baby Blu’s Daughter
* Sour’s Coworker
* Lego’s travel
* 8 Mile
* Injured Pax
* Great to have FNG Uncle Si (Doug Cullens) join us this morning. Hopefully you can help to keep Sour active.
* Epicenter crowd was strong today. Quickie lead the way with the entire group close behind.
* Turns out we had an Emerald Viking Cross Country reunion with several of the Pax being on the team. I must admit I laughed a little when I heard Sour was part of the team. Pretty sure I’ve heard him say something about not being a runner. Just come on out of the closet and be proud of your inner runner. We’ll see you tomorrow at Starbucks.
* Another solid day of tunes today, although the speaker seemed to skip a beat from time to time. Ended the day with the Animals, The house of the Rising Sun. 2 for 2 on closing out with an oldie but goodie.
Until the next Q
The Meter is paid up.