9 Pax posted to the Epicenter with the Desire to get better. 7 went with the Q and 2 completed a modified WOD. Both groups got better because they didn’t let the Fartsack win this morning.
A couple of weeks ago Stinkbait had his VQ at the Shipyard and I made the comment to Sugar that it would be funny if he used the B.O.M.B.S. In his Q and called them Stink B.O.M.B.S. Of course this got my little hamster running his wheel. I started to think how could I make B.O.M.B.S. turn into Stink B.O.M.B.S.? So I figured multiplying the Reps x 2 would be a good start. Then with a suggestion from Sugar to use the Spoke design to run it here’s what was submitted to the Exicon:
B.O.M.B.S. x 2 on reps + use a spoke layout. Set 5 cones out surrounding the Shovel Flag. Pax #1 starts the B.O.M.B.S. reps at the first cone while pax #2 goes to the Shovel Flag to do exercise chosen by the Q (for example 50 curls or 50 LBC’s). Pax #2 then swaps with Pax #1. Work at same spoke until all reps are completed. Then move to next spoke. Q can change center exercise with each move to next spoke. B.O.M.B.S = 100 Burpees, 200 Over Head Presses, 300 Merkins, 400 Big Boy Sit-ups, 500 Squats.
Conditions: 62* and way too warm for November.
Disclaimer: Given at the Shovel Flag
What’s on tap:
S.S.H. x 25 IC
Stink B.O.M.B.S.:
1st Spoke
100 Burpees Cumulative
50 Curls @ Center
2nd Spoke
200 Overhead Presses Cumulative
40 Bench Press @ Center
3rd Spoke
300 Merkins Cumulative
30 Bent Over Rows @ Center
4th Spoke
400 Big Boy Sit-ups Cumulative
20 Alpo’s
5th Spoke
500 Squats Cumulative
10 Kettle Bell Swings
Recover, return coupons, and mosey to the Shovel Flag
11/18 Habitat for Humanity work day
12/3 Christmas Party at Sugar’s house
Prayer Request:
* Fabio has been released to return to the Gloom. While this is a praise report he will still need to modify certain things which brings a level of frustration. Pray for strength to fight through the frustrating times. Good to have you back.
* Same prayer request for PegLeg and other injured Pax. Keep posting when possible. Any work is better than no work. Nothing wrong with modifying!
* Meatloaf has a friend who needs prayers for strength and guidance to fight the struggles of life. Remember Pax, we’re here for each other. If you see someone who needs help/encouragement, reach out. If you need help/encouragement, reach out. I know it’s not easy, but usually anything worth having isn’t.
* Polly is having some dental work done. Never fun when the mouth is causing issues.
* YHC doesn’t make it out to the Epicenter very often, so it was nice to post over there this morning. Nice to see the newer faces (new to me anyways).
* Epicenter is usually the home of Mumble Chatter for F3 Greenwood. Stranger Q + No Polly = Eerily quiet morning at the Epicenter.
* Time was called at a couple of spokes this morning so that we could hit each spoke. This WOD may need to be reserved for Saturday mornings, since you have the extra 15 minutes. Strong work was put in by all!
As always…
Until the next Q
MM is out