Conditions: COLD 36*
It was great to see some long, lost PAX join us at the Epicenter this morning. Uncle Pusher put out a challenge to F3 Greenwood in an effort to have 35 total PAX post across our 4, yes 4, AOs today. I was thrilled to see that the Epicenter pulled its weight and had 10 PAX ready to get to work.
Disclaimer given at 5:15 and we got started.
Imperial Walkers 25 IC
Don Quixotes 20 IC
Whirly Boys 25 IC
Flutter Kicks 25 IC
LBAC medley (forward, backward, OH claps, front claps, Moroccan nightclubs ) 25 each IC #crowdpleaser
Mosey to the Coupon Cage and line up on sideline of soccer field for
10 Minute AMRAP: 50 OH presses, 50 BigBoy Sit-ups, 50 Curls
PAX were split into 2 groups of 5 for Bearpee Inchworms
Bearpee Inchworms: PAX line up head-to-toe in plank position. Last PAX in line performs Bearpees to the front of the line.Once he reaches front, the next one goes. Repeat until group makes it across field.
Lunge Walk back across field to coupons.
AMRAP(about 10 mins)- 30 Chest Presses, 30 Crunches, 30 Alpos
Time called, coupons returned to their home, mosey back to flag, plank for the 6
Announcements: Read the newsletter, check the Twitter/Slack feeds
Prayer Requests: 8Mile, Rocky, and their families
Today was a lot of fun. I hope the workout was a challenge. The shoulders definitely got the bulk of the attention today. Thanks to all of the PAX who posted. Keep posting consistently and continue to get better.
It was a blessing to be able to lead the BC today. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Dixie Chick