F3 Greenwood

8 pax shrugged off the threat of water droplets falling from the sky and posted for a little fun at the Epicenter. YHC was on vacation last week and combined with marathon training it seemed like forever since I attended a boot camp. Despite this fact, no better way to get back in the grove than to bring the pain….Pyramids of Pain! Let’s do this!





Imperial Walkersx20IC (There is a movie coming out soon)

The Main Thang

Pyramids of Pain

Mosey to coupons, mosey to center of the Epicenter


10 Tri Ext

20 Thrusters

30 Kettle Bell Swings

40 Merkins

50 Curls

40 Merkins

30 Kettle Bell Swings

20 Thrusters

10 Tri Ext

RUN a lap (short loop)

10 Man Makers

20 Alpos

30 Step Ups W/ Coupon

40 Bent Over Rows

50 SSH’s

40 Bent Over Rows

30 Step Ups W/ coupon

20 Alpos

10 Man Makers

RUN(short loop)


10 Vups

20 American Hammers

30 Flutter Kicks

40 Reverse Crunch

50 LBC’s

40 Reverse Crunch

30 Flutter Kicks

20 American Hammers

10 Vups

Mosey back to coupon pile and return coupons, mosey back and circle up!


Countorama, nameorama, prayers (Rocky, Roach, Rodman, Bambi’s brother, Fabio asked for prayer for couples going through separation and divorce, YHC asked for prayers for husbands and fathers for guidance to do and be the best we can be.

Announcements: Aroma’s for Coffee and donation to Backpack program for YLS and United Way.

CHRISTMAS PARTY this weekend sign up! Hopefully, Sugar will be there and not still hidden somewhere on the jury.

Man, it sure has been good being back with the pax the past couple of days! YHC has really felt like he has been in a rut the past couple of weeks or so. I missed workouts while on vacation and just lost motivation but more than that missed the support and fellowship with my F3 brothers in a time were I personally struggled with some things. The past couple of days have been better and in turn I have felt like a better husband, father, the list goes on. Grateful to be back out in the gloom with you guys!

Mumblechatter was limited. YHC tried to get Polly to chat it up a little but he said he was too busy trying to breathe! There were times all you could hear was the rain coming down and work being done!  That being said, solid work by all the pax today! #tclaps It was an honor being your Q! Aye!