F3 Greenwood

There was rumors of Polly posting at Fury this morning but YHC did not believe that would happen and fully expected him to show up at the Epicenter but when YHC saw Judge Hairy flying solo and with the shovel flag, YHC had all the confirmation YHC needed. (Great job posting at Fury this morning Polly.) We haven’t done Starfish in awhile, so, YHC decided to modify it some to fit in 45 minutes but an audible was called about halfway through the workout this morning.

Disclaimer given at 5:14. And away we moseyed to the coupon cage at 5:15 to secure a coupon and rifle carry it to the center of the Mothership.

Quick Warm-up
SSH x 20
Cut the crass x 20

Starfish Modified
Reps of 20 to be performed at the various locations. (For those of you who are wondering, it is .8 miles round trip around starfish.)

20 merkins at the middle every time a PAX returned to the middle. YHC thought that substituting merkins for Australian mountain climbers was a good idea. Not so much!
Arm #1 – Pull-ups
Arm #2 – Jungle Boy Squats
Arm #3 (Flossy’s Hill) – Bearcrawl up and 20 Big Boy Sit-ups
Arm #4 (Polly’s Pavilion) – Dips
Arm #5 (Coupon Cage) – Monkey Humpers

PAX who finished early did 50 LBC’s, 50 whirly boys counting one side, and 50 flutter kicks until the 6 arrived.

1 minute AMRAP’s
In an effort to keep the PAX together to encourage each other, YHC decided to take a break from the starfish and do some AMRAP work with the coupons.
Chest Press
Biceps Curls
Bent over rows
Triceps Extensions

At this point, YHC called an audible. There was about 15 minutes left and YHC had scheduled another trip around starfish with 10 reps, but, all PAX were pretty beat, so we did this…
30 second wall sit followed by 30 LBC’s
30 second wall sit followed by 30 flutter kicks counting one leg
30 second wall sit followed by 30 american hammers counting one side

There was about 5 minutes left, so we did one more 1 minute AMRAP of OH Press. Coupons were returned to the cage and PAX Indian ran back to the flag for COT time.

Cannonball run is this Saturday. If you haven’t signed up, do so, It’s going to be a great event celebrating 3 years of F3 in Greenwood.

Prayer Requests
Otis has been having fluid in his ankles and feet at night.

-Great work put in by all PAX. It was great to see Tweeter return and Chilly has dove right in and been a consistent PAX at BC’s. Always great to have new guys show up and stay committed.
-It was rather quiet without Polly but I am sure the Fury crowd was enjoying the mumblechatter this morning.
-John 15:13 says this, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This applied to us everyday. We might not be asked to physically lay down our life for our friends or family but if we approach everyday with a servant’s attitude that displays His love, we are putting aside our wants to serve others. YHC has struggled with this in the past, especially at home. Taking my M for granted and what she does around the house and keeping the family running smoothly. YHC realized that it’s time to sacrifice my wants for hers and to lay down my life and serve her with love.

Until next time,
