7 PAX showed up to play the hand that we were dealt this morning. YHC got the idea from this workout from the Lander University Softball team conditioning session that they called “Cone Blackjack”. The idea of their workout is that there are 21 cones spread out throughout the field and under each cone is a different exercise and the team has to do whatever exercise is under the cone. When some of the softball players talking about it in the training room a couple of weeks ago, YHC thought that this could be a great workout for F3. And YHC believes it was. It kept the heart rate up and added some fun to the workout.
6:15 came as Sloth rolled up and the disclaimer was given and off we went.
25 SSH in cadence
15 Little Baby Arm Circles forward in cadence
15 Little Baby Arm Circles backwards in cadence
20 Windmills in cadence
30 Imperial Walkers in cadence
After this was completed, we moseyed to the coupon cage, grabbed a coupon and moseyed to the corner of the soccer field.
The soccer field was set up with 2 rows of 10 cones in each row 100 feet apart with each cone having a number on it.
Each PAX was instructed to rifle carry their coupon to one of the marked cones. Upon arrival at the cone, a randomizer app on my phone would spit out a blackjack hand. Based on what the hand was, that is the exercise that needed to be done. For example, if the randomizer spit out a 7 of hearts and a 3 of clubs, the hand total was 10. If a PAX was at that cone, he had to sprint around the cone grid while the remaining PAX completed the appropriate exercise. If there was no PAX at that cone, all of the PAX completed a set number of reps of that exercise.
The exercises assigned to each cone were as follows:
Cone List
1. 20 Merkins 11. 20 Al Gores
2. 30 American Hammers 12. 30 Overhead Press
3. 30 Bench Dips 13. 10 Step-ups
4. 10 Burpees 14. 30 Triceps Extensions
5. 30 Plank Jacks 15. 20 Squats
6. 30 Curls 16. 30 Mountain Climbers
7. 10 Manmakers 17. 10 Bonnie Blairs
8. 20 Pullovers 18. 20 Alpos
9. 30 Freddie Mercuries 19. 30 Bent Over Rows
10. 20 Front Raises 20. 30 Chest Press
After each exercise, each PAX had to rifle carry to another cone that was in the opposite line. This continued for 15 minutes. At that point, we moseyed over to the bleachers that lined the soccer field and completed the following work.
Perform 30 LBC’s at first set of bleachers, carioca to second set of bleachers and perform 30 Flutter Kicks, Bear Crawl to third set of bleachers and perform 30 BBC’s. After completing BBC’s, mosey back to coupon.
The entire process was repeated two times until time was called at 6:00 and coupons were returned to the coupon cage.
-Saturday’s workout is at Epicenter at 6:00 and a Q is needed.
-Tuesday 2nd F at Jersey Mike’s at 11:45.
-Wednesday run meets at Panera.
Prayer Requests:
-A friend of Second Chance who was released from Lighthouse overdosed yesterday. Pray for his family.
-Justensen family
-BRR teams
-Victims of Hurricane Harvey
– Props to Polly for continuing to show up and work hard despite his injury.
-Great work put in by all.
Titus 2:1
“You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine.”
A challenge to us all to remain in the Word so that the way we live our lives at home and at work is pleasing to Him and to others.