F3 Greenwood


Even though it requires a trip all the way across town, YHC has been trying to make the way to the Mothaship, the Epicenter, a few times a month for a BeatDown with the best MumbleChatter in town (as long as Polly hasn’t fartsacked – like he did for past two weeks).

10 SSH
10 GrassCutters
10 LBAC front
10 LBAC back
20 AirClap

Mosey to coupon cage – luckily remembered the sneaky top row combination trick that JudgeHairy put on the lock

TheThang – no running, no moseys, all reps

All work will be cumulative count of reps between all 6 pax – call out each time you complete 25

1000 Merkins
1000 Squats
1000 Curls
1000 Chest Press
1000 Flutter Kicks
1000 LBCs




Thanks to Duggar for bringing the speaker and providing the tunes, luckily not the same tunes he subjected UncleJesse to at BRR

Speaking of the speaker…it was loud. And the farther Duggar moved it from the pax, the louder it seemed to get

Polly with strong MumbleChatter as always – minimal cuss words – BenGay would have been proud…but BenGay fartsacked bc he went to Braves vs Mets the night before

#tclaps to Lemon for posting at his first Bootcamp…just like counting for Polly and Duggar, it doesn’t get any easier, but you will get better