Low 60’s and wet, really wet. Raining.
10 Imperial Squat Walkers IC
10 Imperial Squat Walkers IC
10 Imperial Squat Walkers IC
20 Merkins OYO
Because of all the rain YHC thought it would be a appropriate to do a workout based on Genesis 7 (the story of Noah and the Ark).
Mosey to the center of the soccer field.
The Thang:
Noah was told by God to build an Ark. To do this, Noah had to pick out the right trees and cut them down.
Gathering Lumber
3 rounds
1 minute Al Gore (Tree Hugger)
10 Chopping Wood Lunges IC
“It was during the last round of gathering the lumber that The Epicenter had their first ever #BillyZane who gave in to the #FlyingHeadlock of dancing idiots playing in the mud here in F3Greenwood.”(courtesy Juggernaut)
Once the lumber was gathered, Noah started building the Ark. God directed Noah to build the Ark to very specific dimensions (300 cubits by 30 cubits by 50 cubits).
Building the A.R.K.
Aalternating Shoulder Taps x 300
Reverse Crunches x 30
Karaoke x 50
The pax partnered up to build the Ark. Pax 1 drops to the plank position and starts alternating shoulder taps (remember, only one side counts). Pax #2 karaokes 50 yards and drops to do 30 reverse crunches then sprint back and swap out.
In Genesis 7:8, the Ark has been built so the animals start coming in by twos for Noah to load onto the boat.
Animals 2 by 2
15 minute AMRAP
Start with 2 reps for each station and add 2 each time you round the corner on Station 1.
4 Stations
Station 1 – Crunchy Frog
Bear Crawl to Station 2
Station 2 – Gorilla Humpers
Duck Walk to Station 3
Station 3 – Crab Cakes
Bear Crawl to station 4
Station 4 – Rabbit Burpees
Duck walk to Station 1
Convergence and Q School – Jan. 16, 2016
#CSAUP – Mar. 12, 2016
Prayer Requests:
Flood Victims
Family who lost home in fire recently.