F3 Greenwood

Conditions: Foreclosure Q’s a new RF WOD for Pvt Wilmot that has two exercises, squats and dips.  Elon Musk drops 1.5Bn on bitcoin and YHC has a phenomenal idea about capitalizing on the ups and downs of investment.

Disclaimer: Given post the 1 min warning.

Attire: Shorts, IPC Tee, and the go to workout fleece.

Tunes: Me 1st & the Gimme Gimmes- A punk rock cover band for those not in the know.

The WarmUp: Grab two ATown Championship (ATC) blocks and farmers carry them to the coupon cage.  Every stop to rest requires 5 Burpees to be paid before moving again.  Some stopped, some made it the whole way.  Those that made it all the way paid 5 Burpees after putting the blocks up.

Mosey to the PullUp bars.

The THANG: Rd 1: 50 Squats>15 dips>10 PullUps

Rinse & Repeat dropping 5 squat reps and 1 rep for the other two exercises.

Take a 400m lap around the ball field after every 3 Rds.

Name That Tune:  While performing the work, the first person to correctly name the tune gets to pause and watch everyone else perform 5 Burpees.  Punk rock songs are short and so there were plenty of opportunities to Name. That. Tune!


Announcements: Starting this week, the next four Saturdays will be at Fury.  Elite Furian Challenge starts this Saturday.

Prayers: Weavers mom has some tests coming up.  Refugee’s ma-in-law is sick.

Devotional: Hal Sutton’s advice about believing in the club that you’re swinging.

NakedManMoleskin: There were 3 pax that decided to continue with their D2D training by playing Ring Around the Rosie the whole time.  Weaver, one of said Rosie’ers, said afterwards that he thought all we did was Burpees for 45 mins because every time he passed, that’s what we were doing.

Tickle must have paid his way through college by being either a Radio DJ or working for Kurt Loder and Martha Quin.  That dude would give Dr. Stephen Strange a run for his money in a game of Name That Tune. He named more than the majority of the songs we heard.  Just call him the Ken Jennings pop music.

The guys were freaked out about the lack of diversity in the exercises at first, but a platinum selling album usually only needs a few hit songs to make a mighty impression. Pvt Wilmot WOD is one of those type albums, hopefully this one was on that level.  They all commenced to grinding and enjoyed the fun mumblechatter that came along with all of the wrong guesses.  I had a blast.  Hopefully the other pax did as well.  It was an honor to lead these men this morning.

JKS – Alpo