Nagging injury, vacation, or just a good old sleep in, are all possible factors to cause you to fall in a rut. It doesn’t take too many mornings of not getting up at 4:45 to make it seem like an impossible task. And that’s where I’ve found myself for the past couple of months. It all started with a nagging leg injury, then a few snooze button incidents, followed by a vacation all led to me posting a total of 18 times over the past 8 weeks. That’s a whopping 2.25 times per week. Pitiful!!! BUT… almost as easy as it is to find an excuse as to why you don’t want to post, you can find an excuse to post. That could be signing up for an event you need to train for, answering the EH from a fellow Pax, or the most lock tight accountability tool (for most guys anyways)… SIGN UP TO Q. So that’s what I did last week.
6 Pax made their way to the Epicenter for a little Mini Murph Prep. Here’s how it went down…
Conditions: Humid
Disclaimer: Given as I was getting the Vest out of the trunk and as Duggar was driving up
LBAC’s x10 IC Forwards
LBAC’s x10 IC Backwards
SSH x20 IC
Merkins x10 On my call
Copperhead Squats x10 IC
Mosey to the pull-up bars
5 Pull-ups
10 Merkins
15 Squats
x5 Rounds
Mosey to the Basketball Court
4 Corners Round 1
20 Merkins at the first corner,
19 Merkins at the next,
18 Merkins at the next,
working until you make it down to 1 Merkin
4 Corners Round 2
20 Squats at the first corner,
19 Squats at the next,
You get the idea…
* Saturday’s workout is at Fury
* 2.0 Workout at Fury location @ 8:00 (I think) Followed by Chick-fil-a
Prayer Requests:
* Duggar’s Mom and Family
* Boy George’s Dad and Family
* Felt like an old school crowd today. Several guys posted that I haven’t posted with at a normal BC in a while.
* It doesn’t take near as long to fall out of shape as it does to get in shape. I proved that point this morning. But we’ll say I was “sweeping for the 6”. But we really know I was the 6. Brings to mind a quote that I’ve seen before, but have no idea who to give the credit to, so I’ll take it this time. “It’s a lot easier to keep up than it is to catch up!” So, if you are looking around and feel like you may be falling behind a bit, get yo azz in gear so you don’t have so far to go to catch up.
* Someone needs to do a vest check on Duggar to see if there is any weight in there. He doesn’t seem to even realize he has one on. He was in the lead pack the whole time. And the lead pack consisted of Duggar, Flossy, Weaver, Boy George, and Pothole.
* First F Q safety tip of the day: “Drink more water.” With the increased temps and humidity we all look like Uncle Buck as we ring out our shirts post workout.
* First F Q opinion of the day: “Weight Vests SUCK!!!”
Until the next time…
The Meter is paid in full!