F3 Greenwood

Weather: 90 degrees and muggy

COP: x25, IC unless otherwise noted.
SSH, Grass Cutters, Imperial Walkers, Flutterkicks, LBACs,

Mosey to center building.

The Thang:
Merkins in the middle relay.  Partner up, each partner runs around baseball fields in opposite directions.  When they meet, stop and do 5 merkins, then continue running.  Each time partners meet, go up by 5 merkins until you hit 20, then return to center.  Hold six inches for the six

Mosey to coupons, then to soccer field.
Dora 123
Partner 1, sprint to line, 20 Air Squats Partner 2 works on team exercise.
100 Kettlebells
200 overhead presses
300 Chest Presses

Round 2 – Partner 1 does Freddie Mercuries x10, Partner 2 does team work: 50 American Hammers, 100 Curls, 150 Bent Over Rows.

Usain Bolts:  Each pax calls out an exercise the others do while pax takes a lap.

Countorama, Nameorama
22+2 merkins
Prayer requests: Blueball, Carter (Rodmans cousin), Rodman and Bambi falling out of perfectly good airplane today.

While we missed a number of regulars today, we were glad to have Coach K & Thumper with us this a.m.  Props to Roach, who put up with a lot of running despite still having foot problems.  Mumblechatter was at a minimum, but it’s unclear whether that was due to severity of workout or absence of Polly!  (Polly really likes it when he’s mentioned in every Backblast, even the ones where he didn’t post!) YHC appreciates the hard work done by all.