F3 Greenwood

The BRR is looming large on my mind and body right now.  My legs are getting plenty of work running miles in HC so upper body will be the focus of my Q’s for the remained of this month.

5 minute warning given and PAX told there will be no warm-up so if you want/need to stretch you should do it now.  This brought about some mumbblechatter as to YHC’s demeanor.  Not trying to be a hard gangster just honest.

Count off into 3 groups.

Disclaimer give and lets go

Mosey to Pull-up bars

One at a time each PAX will perform max effort Pull-Ups while other PAX perform BBS.

One at a time each PAX will perform max Pull-Ups Flutterkicks

One at a time each PAX will perform max effort Hang while other PAX perform LBC’s.

Mosey to the coupons, grab one and line up on the fence of the soccer field.

21-15-9 8 min AMRAP

21 Chest Press

15 Lat Pullover/ Chest Press

9 Front Press

Run to the cone and perform 15 Dying Coach roaches.


21-15-9 8 min AMRAP

21 Curls

15 Curl/ Overhead Press

9 We’re Not Worthy

Run to the cone and perform 15 Freddy Mercury

Recover (Kudzu gave us a 10 count)

21-15-9 8 min AMRAP

21 Overhead Press

15 Al Gore/ Front Press

9 Alpo’s

Run to the cone and perform 15 Heel Taps


Return coupons and all you got back to Pull-up station.

End where we started

One at a time each PAX will perform max effort hang while other PAX perform BBS.

Back to the shovel flag and 10 Burpees OYO and we are done.

Countorama   15 PAX strong



Prayer Requests  – Several PAX dealing with sick of hurting loved one’s or have co-worker who are.

Closing Prayer by YHC


Great work this morning men.  I pray we will all b putting in as much if not more effort at home as we are in the gloom.

Great to have Southern Belle come to the Mothership.  Keep killing it dude.

Great to see Polly posting and doing what he can. Get the wheel cleaned up and get back at it with us daily.

This was one of the biggest groups I’ve Q’d since before the Starfish to Shipyard.