Brothers have a special bond. There really is no other relationship quite like it. Brothers can fight, call names, disagree, challenge each other, shake hands, shake fists, and still be brothers. One thing about a true brother, they will be there until the end. This is exactly what I love about the epicenter. A core of Brothers show up every week and challenge each other. Today was no different. We showed up, laughed a little, bantered a little, and went to work. It was good to see that Polly has broken his self imposed mumble chatter ban, and that Cold Feet did not tear the front end of his wife’s car trying to park it. Further, I am convinced that Woodpecker and Cold Feet really do love each other in true brotherly form.
41 degrees and cozy. YHC utters a disclaimer proclaiming there will be burpees and stuff.
15 MC IC
Reverse 25 IC
Forward again 25 IC
Grass Cutters 20 IC
Mosey to track counterclockwise descending burpee train 10, 9, 8, 7 etc. Stopping at each light pole. Brothers leave no man behind.
Wall squats on fence 1 min x3
15 v ups
15 boxcutters
50 lbc
50 Freddie mercuries
run to farthest softball field
21 squats
15 merkins
9 atomic thrusts
Run to BB court:
15 vups
15 boxcutters
50 Lbc
50 Freddie mercuries
squats , merkins, atomic thrusters . Running length of court and back. ( 63 squats, 45 merkins, 27 atomic thrusters)
Mosey toward the Pazebo ( is it a pavilion or a gazebo?) much debate sparked up here over what that thing is called here. We did the democratic thing and compromised. It’s a pazebo.
Anyway, grab a swing and do 20 swerkins. Now move on over to that Pazebo Polly paid for.
100 step ups on your bench. We are out of time mosey on back to the flag.
Announcements- yep read it
Prayers- injured pax, and a few unspoken
Devo.- everyone knows John 316. However John 317 says God sent not his son in the world to condemn the world that but that the world through him might be saved. We often feel condemnation as man, we feel the struggle. The good news is that condemnation went to the cross with Jesus. God has no adversary, the Bible declares you have An adversary. An adversary has to be a worthy opponent. That’s why God has none. So, do not label your self or allow yourself to be labeled by others. Everyone knows John 316, however without John 317 there is no John 316 .
Would someone please teach Cold Feet how to park a car. Or, set him up with an eye doctor to change the prescription for farsightedness in those hipster glasses. Polly called him the H word not me.
it is been great to see Bambi back out and passed the headaches. Praise God.
A lack of arm work was brought up a couple of times today. Note: the Q sheet is open.
I for one, am very glad that Polly’s mumblechatter strike was very short-lived, if existant at all.
Pax pushed the rock today and got better. As always, I am proud to lead this group of men.