The epicenter showcased another strong workout and all 9 pax gave it their all. It did get off to a slow and laughable start with the Q butchering the cadence during the warm up. That was okay because once we got going we did no stop. In the future I will do my cadence homework before calling a cadence induced warm up.
Disclaimer was given and the work went like this.
15 GC IC
15 IW IC
3 Rounds:
5 Pull Ups
25 Big Boy Situps
25 Hand Released Merkins
25 Jungle Boy Squats
50 Mountain Climbers (Count one leg)
400 Meter Run
50 Yard Run – 5 Burpees x 4
10 Merkins, 10 Wide Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins, 30 Air Squats x 2
800 Meter Run
25 LBC
25 Reverse Crunch
25 Vups
30 Second Low Plank
Army PT Test Thursday at Shipyard (As of now all other sites closed)
Run Your Ice Off Saturday Morning
Also a Boot Camp Saturday Morning – 6:00am Shipyard
Prayer Requests:
The Still Family
Jugg and Family
Judge Hairy’s – Father of a friend passed away.
Everyone doing events this weekend.