F3 Greenwood

Conditions- 72° and 85% humidity (felt like 185%)

5:14- One minute warning and disclaimer

5:15- Time to do work

Warmup-20 SSH IC, 15 Cut the grass IC, 10 Jungle boy squats OYO, 5 Burpees OYO

Head to the coupon cage and get a coupon that you don’t mind spending the next 40 minutes with and meet in the center of the soccer fields.

The Thang:

4 Corners of 21, 15, 9 doing the following:

Corner 1- incline merkins with hands on the block

Corner 2- Goblet Squats

Corner 3- Standing chest presses

Corner 4- We’re not worthy’s

Center- 10 Big Bois with the coupon

The catch- carry your own coupon with you (crowd favorite)

5:56- Recover. Take coupons back to the cage and meet at the flag.




Announcements- Bloodandguts training starts at Starbucks tomorrow and lasts for 8 weeks. Here4areason 5K 9/16, Race The Helix 10/6, Spartan Beast/Sprint 11/17-11/18. Pick an event somewhere out of your wheelhouse and train for it.

BOM- prayed us up

NMM- I rarely get out to the Epicenter unless it is a Saturday, because, well…..it is all the way across town. But the Epicenter offers so many areas and obstacles that one could never deliver the same Q twice. Q’s are needed across the board, so why not step up and give back to my brothers? I knew the soccer field was pretty big, and I have never done a 4 corner Q myself. I added a few nasty twists to it, and I think it hit the spot. Carrying your own coupon was a game changer. We got in 1 mile of carrying coupons. There was more grunting, moaning, and groaning than I’ve heard in a while. Guess that means it was working. Mumblechatter was nearly nonexistent. This was about 1/3 of what I had planned, but it took up the entire workout. BenGay and I had just started some ab work for the 6 when I called recover. Guess I will deliver the rest of the pain another time. Judge Hairy even told me that he was starting to think some really dark thoughts about me. Out in the gloom, that is a compliment if you have the Q. To all you guys out there that have never q’d before (you know who you are), step up, sign up to Q, serve up the pain, while you lift up your brothers. It’s just that simple. It was my pleasure to lead you men this morning!

Southern Belle is hanging up……