F3 Greenwood

YHC was on the Q again this morning at the Epicenter where it all began for F3Greenwood. Little did I know this would be a homecoming party for a lot of PAX. I threw out last night that if you wanted a leg workout to show up at 4:40 for the 2.5 mile pre run I would be completing. No one except Uncle Buck ever takes me up on these and he didn’t comment last night so I knew he had other plans. YHC showed up at 4:40 and rolled out on my run and stopped about a quarter mile in to stretch a tight Achilles and Refugee rolled by and then stopped quickly and backed up. He had come for the run but thought I was a Animal Shelter worker fixing the sign post I was stretching against. So he and I rolled out on a nice little jog. It was good catching up with you Refugee and I’m glad your little boy is doing better after his surgery. YHC was one of the 5 or 6 that made the call to Refugee to join us on that soggy wet morning in the gloom that seems ages ago now. Awesome work you’ve put in the gloom Refugee!

After the run YHC notices my man Pegleg is already there and waiting on the workout. Love your dedication brother as you continue to post even though your legs are a wreck right now. Chatting with Pegleg I notice the former mumbblechatter king Juggernaut, he former because Polly has replaced him. As I stretch after the run and get ready to Q more and more guys are pouring into the AO and YHC has to make some small adjustments to my Q.

I was great seeing so many old faces at the Epicenter today, some have been gone a long time, some only visit occasionally, some have recent ventured out to other AO, one was missing that HC’d the night before (hope the kids and family get better soon DixieChick). Several of the Redwood Originals in the house this am! (Flossy, Duggar, Capri, YHC, Boy George, Fabio,Pacer

Conditions: Perfect for calling IW Cadence and still a little humid

Disclaimaer: I am not a professional, except at calling IW cadence, push yourself but don’t hurt yourself (Duggar was not listening during this speech as he tweaked his back right off the bat but continued to push himself (after laying on the ground and moaning for a while). Good work brother! Today we will focus on form and not speed or a bazillion reps.

Mosey to the Coupon Cage and make a selection and circle up on the soccer field, Low Plank for the 6.

Today we will be doing Low Plank for the 6 in honor of my friend Kobyoshai, not because he is the 6 usually but because he has introduced this wonderful core exercise. YHC hears a lot of talk about a good core is a key to running well so I think its good to focus on your core, Capri and other vocalized there non-running attitudes by lamenting or not even doing the plank each time it was called.


IW 15 IC
Freddy Mercury 15 IC
Merkins 10 IC
Low Plank 10 IC
Heel Taps 25 IC
Low Plank 10 IC
Heel Taps 25 IC


21 Curls
15 Overhead Press
9 6 Inches (much discussion about keeping it up, not sure what it is but some say they have never seen 6 inches)
Rinse and Repeat
Low Plank for the 6

50 Chest Press
25 Curls
10 Triceps Extension
Rinse and Repeat
Low Plank for the 6

Mosey to the center of the Epicenter and High Plank for the 6

21 LBC (much chatter about not staying on the grass to do these sets, asphalt is hard they say)
15 Side Bends
9 Lat Pulls (much debate here about the name of the exercise and what muscles it working. I’m sticking with the name lat pulls)
Rinse and Repeat
Low Plank for the 6

At this point the lights went out and Fabio seized the opportunity to pose a thought provoking question: “Why is my right arm bigger than my left arm?” Capri was quick on the draw here: “Because your married.”

21 Freddy Mercury
15 Lawn Mowers
9 We’re Not Worthy (more chatter about knees on the pavement)
Rinse and Repeat
Low Plank for the 6

20 Dips
15 Front Press
10 Single Arm Curls
Rinse and Repeat
LBC for the 6

100 Chest Press (YHC actually thought about moving back to the field but thought I would give the PAX more opportunity to complain so we stayed on the asphalt)
25 Curls
15 Kettle Bell Swings
15 We’re Not Worthy
25 Curls

Mosey to return coupons and head back to the flag. Roach stayed behind to lock up the coupon cage.

Countorama 18 PAX


Announcents: Tripledown opprotuinty this weekend, Dads and Lads Campout Oct 21-22 and read the great newsletter Kobyshai our ComzQ puts together each week for the rest.

Prayer Requests:
Blue Ball
Judge Hairy

BOM YHC Closed in Prayer


Bambi was introduced to the gloom by Snake Oil and has become a faithful strong PAX despite his young age HateHate. If only we could get Snake Oil coming back out regularly, not just once a month regular.

Refugee jumped the fence and into the mud with us on that same soccer field we started on today. That was an awesome day. Been a great journey with you thus far Refugee!

As always my IW cadence with right on time, everyone else needs to get there act together. I’m usually off on SSH so that’s why I don’t call those on my Q’s, that and I really dislike SSH well more like can’t stand SSH but anyway Jug said I can do a video on my IW cadence for everyone to study in the future.

Apparently I’m the only one who knows the exercises I call. Jug also said he would write my words and exercises into the lexicon/execon so that everyone else can learn them.

Always a pleasure to lead you guys and great seeing so many guys back home at the Epicenter!

Meatloaf Out