F3 Greenwood

YHC had a workout planned for this morning but contacted our fearless leader to see if he would be posting for the first time since his surgery and when he confirmed, YHC decided to alter the plan to accomodate. So, gone was the running for another Q.

Weather – A beautiful November morning topping out at 28 degrees.

Disclaimer given.


SSH x 20
Imperial Walkers x 20
Hooker’s Arm Blaster x 15 (F3 Davidson import)
10 Burpees OYO (the only ones of the day)

We moseyed to the coupon cage and secured our workout partner for the morning.

The Workout

Each set of exercises began with 25 reps and each set dropped 5 reps until we ended with 5 reps.

Set 1
KB Swings
Biceps Curls
Tricep Extensions

Al Gore to the 6. Once the 6 was in, 20 merkins were performed

Ab Set – 50 of each exercise was performed
Whirly Boys
Freddie Mercuries counting both legs
Flutter kicks counting both legs

Set 2
Chest Press
Shoulder Press (this was a crowd pleaser)
Bent Over Rows

Al Gore to the 6. Once the 6 was in, 20 plank jacks were performed

Ab Set – 50 of each exercise was performed
Whirly Boys
Freddie Mercuries counting both legs
Flutter kicks counting both legs

Set 3
Dips on the coupon

Plank to the 6. Once the 6 was in, 20 hand release merkins were performed

Ab Set – 50 of each exercise was performed
Whirly Boys
Freddie Mercuries counting both legs
Flutter kicks counting both legs

Time was called as we all finished up the work and the coupons were returned and we headed back to the flag.


-2nd F at Jersey Mike’s
-First (and possible only) 5K run this Saturday
-Saturday bootcamp at Shipyward

Prayer Requests

-Judge Hairy’s paralegal, Jody whose father passed away
-A praise report for healing for Quickie’s brother-in-law, Jordan who went in for surgery to remove cancer in his intestines and when the doctor’s went in, there was no evidence of cancer.
-Wyfi’s M who is being induced today.


-Great to have our leader return for bootcamp and he picked up right where he left off. Always nice to have the chatter back.
-Great work was put in by all.

Till next time.
