F3 Greenwood

This was originally supposed to be a Dixie Chick / Uncle Jesse CoQ. UJ had to travel for family, so YHC gladly stepped in to assist. DC and I got together Friday night and shot some ideas back and forth through good ol’cyber space. We were both wanting to do a partner type workout to drive home that extra effort someone will exert in order to not drag down their partner. Great! We found some stations for pain and off we’d go.


Only one pax posted for our CoQ. …….. Hmm? ………. OK, so I guess we can scrap the partner stuff.

So off we went the 3 amigos.

Conditions: The last Saturday of January. It has been an unusually warm month with only a few days that were Sub-freezing mornings. This was one of those such mornings. The temp hovered in the upper 20’s. The Epicenter still held water from rain early in the week.

Disclaimer: Given by Dixie Chick

Warm Up:

Mtn Climbers IC x40

American Hammers IC x25

Merkins IC x10

Don Quixotes IC x20

Flutter Kicks IC x40

LBAC Medley IC x25
(front, back, oh clap, fr clap, Moroccan Night Clubs)

Mosey to the coupon cage, grab a coupon and mosey back to the adjacent soccer field.

5 Rds
Thrusters x10
Kettle Bell Swings x20
Bench Presses x30

Line on the goal line for some 21
work here then sprint to the light pole for the other work
Big Boy Sit Ups x1
Reverse Crunches x20
Rinse and Repeat following 21 format

Stow the coupons and mosey to the Monkey Bars for some Mary

Pull Ups x5
Here, I have sat and stared at this screen trying to remember what exercises were performed. Alas, like an old man with amnesia I cannot remember. So we’ll just go with: Work Was Done
Pull Ups x5
Bonnie Blairs x20 (1 leg)
Merkins x20

Announcements: Run Your Ice Off – 5k; Lander – 5k; Swamp Rabbit – Half;
Furious February – All weekday workouts will begin at 0500, and end at 0600 with COT following.
– Saturday CoQ’s will be the last 3 weekends of Feb.
2/11 MM/Alpo
2/18 UJ/Sugar
2/25 BB/DC

Prayer Requests: T Rav praise report new grandson and mother are in good health and great spirits!
Remember the Yaeman’s in Lexington, their house burned down this week.

NMM: There wasn’t much mumblechatter. It was cold, and we all three new the best way to warmth was through some intense work. Working with men in the cold breeds a trust not found in “everyday” activities of most 21st Century men. It was a pleasure to chase the cold away with these two.

JKS – Alpo