YHC was told the previous night that some of the faithful could not be present due to Crud or injury. I knew many would stay away, but fortunately Ben Gay appeared on this frigid Thursday to face the frozen Starfish. After ruling out just going to Starbucks, we proceeded with the scheduled beatdown.
I’m still hoping we can make some version of the Starfish the signature workout for the Epicenter. It would be good for the regulars to have a standardized workout they can measure themselves against once a month or every other month. With that in mind, I tried my own version to see how it might work.
1. 20 SSH
2. 20 IW
3. 20 Grass Cutters
Mosey to Roundhouse
The Thang:
Leg 1: Run to pull-up bars – 20 pull-ups; return to center, 40 Step Ups/Box jumps
Leg 2: Run to intersection – 20 Merkins; return to center, 40 Big Boys
Leg 3: Run to end of fence – 20 Burpees; return to center, 40 Jungle Boi Squats
Leg 4: Run to Polly’s Pavilion – 20 Dips; return to Center, 40 V-Ups
Leg 5: Run to coupon cage – 20 Iron Crosses/Leg Raises, return to center, 40 Australian Mt. Climbers (Count both legs)
Repeat until time called
Countorama (Fairly easy today)
Namorama (Unnecessary)
Prayer requests:
2 man BOM
Ben Gay pushed me hard, quickly pulling a full leg ahead and more. He finished all 5 legs twice. I was able to complete a total of 9 legs, but had to modify several different stations.