F3 Greenwood

YHC has taken a lot of flack for not posting a BB from the workout I Q’d on this day.  Apparently it has deprived some pax of “points”, though I’m not sure what the points are for.  However, never let it be said that YHC has let a pax down by not stepping up.  Without further adieu, here is the lost Backblast:

It was a warm, humid morning.  As the band of warriors assembled upon the battlefield, they waited anxiously for the arrival of their leader, the great Dixicus Chicksicus.  All knew that, with their valiant champion at their head, no enemy could stand against such a force of men.

Time passed…, the warriors grew impatient. No Dixicus to be seen anywhere on the horizon.  The time to do the harder thing approached, and the brotherhood stood without their leader.  A cold shiver of fear passed between the men as they contemplated their fate without their leader.

But suddenly, one man cast aside his fear and doubt.  Stepping forward, he declared that the brotherhood was greater than any one man, and that only fools would waste their moment, waiting on a champion who would never come.  So the warrior called on the brothers to stand, to run, to jump, to push, and to always strive to overcome every obstacle placed in their path.

Like the old gods of legend, the brothers set out on an odyssey of great adventure.  Battles were fought, monsters were slain, lightning flashed, thunder roared, women swooned, and even death itself fled in fear before the mighty brotherhood of the Epicenter.  Finally, after triumphing over all and conquering all that they surveyed, the brotherhood dispersed, each to his own realm, to celebrate their victories.

(We did Dora, with karaoke and coupons.  Beyond that, I don’t remember, it was three weeks ago.  Hopefully Weaver and Corncob will now surge into the lead, having received credit for their participation.)

The end.