F3 Greenwood

Disclaimer – Smokey is a professional firefighter but not an exercise instructor so listen and follow directions cause if you dont you will get smoked either way but do listen to your body if you need to modify do so

CoP (All Exercises in Cadence)

20 Side Straddle Hop
20 Grass Cutters
20 Goofballs (Standing Mountain Climber)
15 LBAC front
15 LBAC back
15 Gorilla Humpers
20 Imperial squat walkers

Count off 1’s and 2’s, 1’s Grab coupons & head to central area near baseball fields & partner up

The Thang

AMRAP #1 (10 minutes)

P1 does max curls at top point of triangle
P2 runs to second corner of triangle – Merkins x 10
P2 runs to third corner of triangle –Slow Squats x 20
Flapjack: Repeat until time is called

AMRAP #2 (10 minutes)

P1 does bent over rows at top of triangle
P2 runs to second corner of triangle – Werkins x 10
P2 runs to third corner of triangle – LBC x 20
Flapjack: Repeat until time is called

AMRAP #3 (10 minutes) Picnic Bench/Bleacher Sets (no partners)

30 Step ups, 20 Tricep Dips, 10 incline Merkins
Rinse and Repeat
Return Coupons & Jailbreak to the flag


It was a pleasure To Q and to as always be pushed by such a great group of guys !!