F3 Greenwood

12 pax made the decision to get out of the #Fartsack and post at the Epicenter on a nice 45* December morning. Ideal for a new #beatdown at the hands of YHC. Probably by now we all know that The Force Awakens opens next week so there will be some reminders of that in the COP. But more than that if you are going to show up at 5:30 am in the dark, we are going to work. The Main Thang should more than accomplish this……Let’s roll!



Imperial Walkersx20IC



Mountain Climbersx20IC





The Main Thang

Line up on the goal line, we will go 100 yds. Every 10 yds pax will do 10 reps of instructed exercise. Then return back to the start doing next exercise. Pax plank until 6 returns or Q calls recover. We will do 3 down and backs if time allows….it did.

1st 100yds KettleBellSwings

2nd 100yds Squat Curls

3rd 100yds Merkins (Feet on Coupon)

4th 100yds Overhead press

5th 100yds Bent Over Rows

6th 100yds Big boy sit ups

MOM (2min)

Flutter Kicksx20IC

American Hammersx15IC


Counterama, Namerama, Prayers(Leaner’s Dad in Hospice, Friar Tuck, Those that have lost loved ones during this Holiday Season)

Announcements: Christmas Party Dec. 20th 5pm at the MillHouse. M’s and 2.0’s are welcome. We need a head count and $10 for reservation and rest to donate to Vet’s Home.

Epicenter Shovel Flag will be placed at front corner of Soccer Field from now on. COP will begin in this location.

Wow, work was done at the Epicenter today! It all started out innocently enough with a COP full of Imperial Walkers. YHC may have lulled the pax to sleep with this COP but The Main Thang was where it was at today! The Main Thang delivered almost total carnage to the pax. Bodies were laying all over the field as pax pushed himself and the brother next to him to another level. #Mumblechatter was in full effect as the pax cried to YHC and taunted each other. Juggernaut showed the pax perfect form in the over-head press with a slight reminder of this to Meatloaf. Meatloaf went straight Beast Mode after the critique. #Motivation However, Capri went true Beast mode and knocked out the workout with a Big boy coupon. #tclaps  For those who completed, the 100 yard Beast, 600 reps with coupons and 600 yards. Completed or not all the pax deserve t-claps for this one. #downPAINments were made! Keep pushing, go farther next time! Judging by comments this event will happen again and a request was made for it to rock the Shipyard. Consider yourself warned….it’s coming! It was a honor as usual to Q this group and push each other to get better. You push me everyday to be better than the day before…hopefully it is the same for all of F3Greenwood. Aye!