F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 56 degrees

Disclaimer: Given

Warm-up: SSH-20 IC, Imperial Walker – 20 IC, Little Baby Arm Circles – 20 IC, 10 burpees OYO

The Thang:


100’ Bear Crawl

100’ Broad Jump w/ 5 burpees after every 3 jumps

*Apparently Brenton is 3 burpees after every 5 jumps, but don’t tell Polly!


Round 1:

100 tricep ext

200 curls

300 chest press

Pax sprint down and do 10 air squats


Round 2:

50 we are not worthy

50 thrusters

50 overhead presses

Pax sprint down and do 10 Merkins


Trifecta for 1 minute: YHC calls this the trifecta – curl up, overhead press & tricep ext

Bonnie Blairs for 1 minute



Saturday is at Shipyard

5k to support Sugar’s sister-in-law on

Prayer Requests:

Uncle Buck and his M (M having surgery)

Flossy’s aunt and uncle

Lawson Still

Amelia’s mission trip: prayer for him and fundraising efforts are about to begin

Amelia’s friend Chip is not doing well at all health wise


It has been quite a while since YHC has Q’d and long overdo!

Polly pulled up on 2 wheels as he was running late due to watching Judge Hairy’s neighbor (supposedly waiting on the Judge to come outside).  YHC always enjoys working out with Polly as he brings the mumblechatter!  Although, after Brenton, his chatter declined and I believe his group lost track of their counting or they all did 100, 200, 300, etc.

Good work by all men, and great to have FNG Dinghy!
