It’s cold(15*).
I’m over it.
I think it’s safe to say most of us are.
In spite of the cold temps, 5 men posted at the Epicenter for some quality time in the gloom.
Disclaimer given and we got started at 5:15.
Warmup: 20 SSHs and 20 Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the Gazebo
My brain was too frozen to remember the exact order of work done but these are the approximate numbers of reps for each exercise that was done this morning:
4 sets of 15 merkins
4 sets of 15 incline merkins
LBACs: 25 forward/25 reverse IC
25 shoulder taps IC
2 mins of high plank
50 Mtn climbers (count one side)
50 Big Boy sit-ups
100 Reverse Crunches
100 Flutter kicks(count one side)
100 LBCs
100 American Hammers
100 leg lifts
1 half lap around Epicenter
We moseyed back to the flag for COT, counted ourselves and stated our names.
Run Your Ice Off-Feb3, Lander Fun Run-Feb10, Swamprabbit Half Marathon-Feb24
Anniversary CSAUP Event in early May. Stay tuned for more info.
Closed in prayer.
Great work today men. I certainly did not want to be out there this morning, but I am glad I posted.
Tclaps to the other four who decided to post with me and all the men who posted across F3 Greenwood this morning.
Thank you for pushing me to get better everyday.
Dixie Chick