There are not many things that I despise more than getting soaking wet at a bootcamp. So when I was planning today’s workout, it didn’t take me long to decide what we would be doing.
Meatloaf pulled out the Deck of Death a couple weeks ago and I like that workout, so I found my cards and this is what I put together:
Disclaimer given at 5:15 and off we went on the long way around to grab some coupons and moseyed to the gazebo.
Deck of Death:
Spades: Merkins
Clubs: Kettle Bell swings
Diamonds: Big Boy Situps
Hearts: Squats (originally planned Bonnie Blairs, but a couple pax have some leg issues, so I modified)
Jokers: 25 Mt Climbers, Run to the center of the Epicenter and back, 25 more Mt Climbers
2-4s were removed from the deck, Jacks-11, Queens-12, Kings-13, Aces-14
Everyone knows how this works: draw a card, do the work. Or in Polly’s case, draw a card and then complain about the work, or “drop the deck” and pick another card that he likes more.
We completed the deck with just a couple minutes to spare so we wrapped up with 1 minute low plank and 1 minute high plank.
We took the soggier route back to the coupon cage(Thanks, Polly) and moseyed back to the flag.
Count, Names, Announcements
Prayer Requests: There were numerous prayer requests and I will probably leave one out, so just continue to pray every day for each other, our families, our community, and our country.
Closed in Prayer
I do miss seeing large numbers at bootcamps, but at the same time a small number makes it much easier to really enjoy some quality 2nd F. Everyone worked hard today, had some laughs(at Polly’s expense, of course) and got better individually and as a group.
Thanks to the other 4 men who decided to get out of bed on a morning that it would have been much easier to stay at home where it was dry and warm, and thanks to all the men of F3 Greenwood who push me to be a better man today than I was yesterday.
Dixie Chick