YHC got out of the fartsack this morning feeling the effects of the happenings of this week. Driving 24 of the last 72 hours had me a little stiff and in need of some work. Three faithful pax joined me in Judge, Woodpecker, and Polly and off we went on a beautiful 52 degree morning.
Disclaimer was Given-
Reverse 20
Mountain Climbers 20 IC
Slow Squats- (aka Polly Drops it Like its Hot)
Mosey to Soccer Field:
4 Corner Crawls- Bear Crawl cone to cone and 10 merkins at each. This in no way was intended to imitate Sugar’s Shipyard “Murderous 3/8 mile”
Grab a coupon and mosey to the center of The Center-
50 Curls
40 OH Press
30 Lawnmowers each side
20 Box Jumps
10 Thrusters
10 Curls
20 OH Press
30 Lawnmowers each side
40 Box Jumps
50 Thrusters
20 Boxcutters
20 Flutter Kicks
20 Freddie Mercuries
20 Crunchy Frogs
20 Dying Cockroaches
Mosey to Hill
Lunge walk up hill w/ coupon. 10 Manmakers at top. Return to bottom 30 Alpo’s 30 Standing Chest Press.
4 cones set up on hill:
Plank walk cone to cone doing 20 LBCs at each
Return Coupons and Mosey back to flag
Prayer Requests: WoodPecker’s cousin in GA had a large section of his colon removed.
Devotion: Eph. 5 challenges us to love our wives as Christ loved the church. Jesus gave everything He had for the body of Christ, and did it selflessly. Love is both a noun and a verb. As men, there are times we do not feel the noun. To change this we need to “do” the verb. It is impossible to harbor ill will toward someone you are actively loving. We are called to lead regarless of how we feel.
Props to Woodpecker for showing up and working through pesky shoulder pain.
YHC was glad to hear Judge Hairy is getting some answers on the seizures and can still drive at least locally.
Polly’s low squats (complimented by the random grunting) will bring to mind the worlds homeliest stripper giving a very awkward lap dance. I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or be scared, so I laughed a little and was scared a little.
As always it is an honor to lead this group of Brothers! Roach is Out