F3 Greenwood

Men from Anderson were more than happy to make the short trip down to Greenwood to assist with their 3rd Saturday workout.  These guys are starting out of the gates as quick as we did with a weekday workout already in the books (held their first one on Thursday).  Based on the number of men present (34 this morning) and an awesome AO, no doubt Greenwood is going to blow up…Enough mushy stuff, on to the workout.


SSH x 25 IC (happy to note that the Anderson PAX approved of my IC calling.  Usually its the source of many jokes)

Windmill x 15 IC

Goofball x 15 IC

Line it up for Indian Run to site of first part of the Thang. Note that YHC had to shut the run down mid way when a PAX tried to cut a corner on a turn.  We don’t cheat in F3 (unless your making something harder), end result was a 10 burpee penalty for all.


Started at the biggest hill we could find behind baseball fields.  Modified Lt. Dan / jacob’s ladder something another:  Partner up for this one.

1st partner stays at bottom of hill and does Al Gore. 2nd partner runs to top of hill and does one Lt. Dan (1 squat, 4 lunges).  When 2nd partner returns to bottom of hill, partner 1 takes the trip up. Each man does 5 trips up the hill regular and then 5 backwards (quadraphilia).  10 total hills per man.

All PAX mosey over to tennis courts for what I called part 1 of the country club experience.

Partner up again and line up against the fence.  1st partner does designated exercise while the 2nd partner runs a suicide on the tennis court.  When 2nd man returns, 1st man takes off on suicide.  4 exercises and 4 suicides in each round.

Round 1 exercises:  Flutters, alternating shoulder taps, chilcutt peter parker, & donkey kicks.

Round 2 exercises: box cutters, merkins, WWI situps, plank

All PAX mosey over to grassy area near parking lot for the 2nd part of the country club expereince, card games.  All experienced PAX know that means only one thing, deck of death:  Clubs = LBC’s, Spades = werkins, Hearts = erectors, Diamonds = diamond push-ups.

Really impressed with the speed at which we made it through the deck and T-claps to the 1 Pax who searched out the Joker (equaled 10 burpees).  The erectors got us some looks from some nice ladies walking the track.  Greenwood PAX were expecting round 2 with the local law enforcement for this but we escaped without incident.

With a few minutes remaining, we formed 2 lines for some tunnel of love and Mary.


This being the 3rd workout, YHC focused on the 3rd F (Faith).  Faith in F3 really can be broken down into 2 main points; 1. Living your faith out by putting others first and assisting those within your community.  Great way to do this is through a community service project or partnering with a non-profit group for workouts or mentoring (PAX in Anderson and Columbia have formed these partnerships and I’m sure there are more out there that I’m not aware of).  2.  A belief in something greater than ourselves.  F3 is non-denominational and all inclusive regardless of religious beliefs, so I cautioned the PAX to be mindful of that.  It’s easy for us living in the bible belt to think that everyone that attends a workout is a Christian, but that may not be the case. There are AO’s with PAX who are jewish, muslim, etc. so we don’t want to discourage anyone from coming b/c we focus on one religous belief.  With that said, there’s no problem starting bible studies, prayer groups, etc. outside of workouts specific to a certain faith (thanks for chiming in on this Crunchy & Pro B).

Can’t thank my fellow Anderson PAX for making the trip with me.  We all learned that Greenwood is the epicenter of the south with PAX coming home for the holiday weekend from Columbia, Charlotte, & Greenville to join in the fun.

YHC heard a little chatter on the ride back that some of the PAX didn’t quiet think my workout was as hard as the Lexington crew from a previous week.  I take that as a challenge and will be back for round 2!  Flutters for 45 minutes?