F3 Greenwood

13 PAX arose on a beautifully crisp morning at the Epicenter to get their bodies ready for the beach this summer.  Granted, its going to take a lot more than just this workout to get to achieve amazing results but with more core workouts and eating right, that body you have dreamed of can be attainable.

So without further ado lets get into the core/abs workout that I had masterfully planned for today


60’s – 70’ss


I am not a professional and you do not pay for this!  Go at your own pace and modify if the needs arrives

Slaughter Start

We began by moseying to our first location for a little warmup

First Stop:

SSH 20x IC

LBAC 13x For/Back/OH IC

Next we set off around the track to the basketball court for an abtastic workout

Second Stop:

50 LBC’s

50 Flutter Kicks- count only 1 leg

35 V-Ups

35 Freddie Murks- count only 1 leg

Recover then Rinse & Repeat

Next we continued along the track to the tennis courts for some leg work.

Third Location:

Escalators on the 4 corners of the tennis court. Lunge walk to each corner, going to the top and back down.

Corner 1: 20 Jump Lunges- count each leg

Corner 2: 30 Jungle Boy Squats

Corner 3: 40 Monkey Humpers

Corner 4: 50 Jump Lunges- count each leg

Recover then Rinse & Repeat Ab workout from 2nd Location

Next we made our way almost back to the Shovel Flag and stopped for our last workout.

4th Location:

75 Monkey Humpers OYO

After completed,  run up the remainder of the track, through the gate, then back the the shovel flag.

This should equal a run of 1 mile.


13 PAX!


The 22 Merkins in honor of the Veterans who unfortunately committee suicide.  Continue to reach out to Veterans and let them know how much their service means to you. 


  • F3 Dads Campout this Weekend
  • Memorial Day Murph
  • Also  the F3 newsletter for more upcoming events

Prayer request

  • Injured PAX
  • Lost Loved Ones
  • Chefs Family
  • Sparkles Family
  • Terry Jones


If things in your life are starting to go down a bad road or things are not going as planned, don’t give up on you problem. Try instead  to find a solid foundation which to rebuild upon . Just like God did with Noah


NakedMan Moleskin

  • There was complete silence at one point this morning before the workout started.  I don’t know if it was because Polly HC and then didn’t come or what it was but luckily Chatter picked up once the running began.
  • Woodpecker proceeded to tell me that run days are Mon, Wed and Friday so I’m sure he doesn’t like that much running during the workout.
  • T Claps to Meat Loaf and Bambi,who I believe are still recovering from IR, for posting. Unlike Polly who HC and then didn’t show.
  • Good job to Thumper, Sparkle, and Judge Hairy who continue to push the rock and get better every chance they get.  You guys are killing it right now, keep it going brothers.
  • Duggar seemed to really enjoy the workout today by all the pain noises he was making while the abs work was being done.
  • Did I mention that Polly HC and didn’t show?

I Appreciate all the PAX joining me this morning in this workout.  You guys put in a lot of work and got better in the process.

As always it a pleasure leading you guys and ill see you all next time