F3 Greenwood

Conditions were wet when four pax descended on the Epicenter this morning. I had a plan that contained no running and seemed like it could go long. So, we got to work quickly.

The disclaimer was given and we did a warm-up that went as follows:

12 Burpees, 8 Burpees, 4 Burpees, 1 Burpee.

Then we mosied to the soccer field for the rest of the work. My Bluetooth speaker decided to lose connection with my phone. So, instead of fiddling with it, we listened to the muted tunes coming out of my phone speakers–not the best motivation.

The rest of the Thang:

Count to 500 (pax partnered up and completed the following cumulative reps)

  • 100 Tricep Extensions
  • 150 Calf Raises
  • 200 Curls
  • 250 Lunge Steps
  • 300 Whirly Boys
  • 350 Overhead Presses
  • 400 Goblet Squats
  • 450 Merkins
  • 500 LBCs

(We completed the Merkins and the LBCs as a group due to time constraints.)

When all was said and done, we were counted, we were named and we prayed.


  • Everybody worked constantly to get these reps in. Quickie and Lemon stayed out in front. Weaver and I were not far behind. Great work by all.
  • Someone must of just cut the grass at the Epicenter yesterday. I had grass in my mouth and pretty much everywhere else by the time we were done.
  • I don’t know if it was because today was my tenth workout day in a row or what. I was completely destroyed after this workout. I’ve been in a fog all day.
  • I didn’t do a great job of counting to 500. I think we did more merkins and LBCs than we needed to at the end. Bonus work.
  • Always nice to have the opportunity to get better in the Gloom.

Until next time, CC