After giving other PAX a chance to step up to the plate to one of BenGay’s multiple attempts to get a Q for Saturday’s workout at Epicenter, I figured what the crap. I was going to be there anyway, why not deliver the pain instead of taking it. With pain, it’s always better to give than to receive.
Conditions- dark and humid
Got a little bit of a late start. We had an Alpo sighting as he was finishing up a quick run before he had to head to work.
Disclaimer- given
One minute warning- nope
Headed to the pull up bars for a quick warm up.
Warm up- OYO
10 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 BBSU’s
9 SSH, 9 Merkins, 9 BBSU’s
8 SSH, 8 Merkins, 8 BBSU’s
7 SSH, 7 Merkins, 7 BBSU’s
I think you get the picture. We went down to 1 of each. Blood is flowing now.
The Thang-
Pull up bars- 11’s with Pull ups and Merkins
Start with 10 Pull ups and one Merkin. Reduce Pull ups by 1, and increase Merkins by 1, until you reach 1 Pull up and 10 Merkins.
Mosey to the center.
20/15/10/5 of the following:
Mountain climbers (count 1 leg)
Head over to the building and find a spot on the wall.
30 count of each x 3rds:
Balls to the wall (recommended by Encinoman. He loves some Balls to the wall. I think it’s the head rush)
Wall sit
High plank
30 ct wasn’t enough on the Wall sit and Plank, so I called an audible, and we bumped it to a 45 count.
Mosey to the gazebo.
21/15/9 of the following:
Calf raises
Flutter kicks (count 1 leg)
Box jumps- an audible was quickly called here to high knee step ups counting 1 leg due to the tables sliding and benches bending.
Mosey over to Flossy’s Hill.
11’s with BBSU’s and Jungle Boy Squats
Start at the bottom of the hill with 10 BBSU’s, then Bear Crawl to the top of the hill and do 1 Jungle Boy Squat. Crawl Bear back to the bottom and reduce BBSU’s by 1, and increase JBS’s by 1, until you reach 1 BBSU and 10 JBS’s. This sucked the life out of us. I think we all got to 7 or 6 BBSU’s before I called recover.
Head back to the imaginary flag.
Announcements- Blood and Guts under way. Here4areason 5K on 9/16. WE NEED Q’S ACROSS THE BOARD!!! Come on guys, it ain’t rocket science. There are AO’s every morning full of guys that are capable of delivering a beatdown. If that is you, then you stood within 5′ or less of someone in COT that would Co-Q with you or help you put the work together. It really is that easy. Do you lack accountability? Sometimes it’s easy to throw out an HC and still fartsack. Sign up to Q if that is what you need to make sure you get out and post. Run Q’s are the easiest. Start there!
Prayer requests/ praise reports- 2C unspoken.
Prayed it up.
I only had 1 HC Friday night, and that was 2C. I was hoping we were going to have decent crowd show up, but the work will get done whether there’s 2 or 20. As 2C and I waited, we would see headlights come over the hill, but they passed right on by headed for the market. At the last minute, Encinoman rolls in, and it’s time to work. I have never Q’d a coupon free workout, so i figured I’d give it a shot. Mumblechatter was low, and the sweat rate was high. I’d venture to say it was a success. The choice of music was 90’s alternative and grunge on Amazon Music. Just as I called recover, Rage Against the Machine commenced to droppin F-bombs like crazy. I could not unlock my phone to cut it off. Nothing I did worked. I had to jut cut the speaker off. As we heard “F*#@ you! I won’t do what you tell me!” for the 17th time, we reminisced on what Alpo had said the day before about the Quit Monster, and how we have to tell him he has no power over us. I miss the days of having 15 PAX on Saturday. That was what I waited for all week. We can get back there by stomping the Quit Monster and standing beside a brother in the gloom. Where you gonna be in the morning??
Southern Bell is hanging up……….