32 degrees and frosty( Hulk forgot his gloves. Ouch!)
25 SSH
25 Merkins
25 Cut the grass
25 Merkins
Coupon carry Indian Run
Pax in front started walkin with the coupon in the rifle carry position, when that PAX got to the back of the line, we stopped and did work.
1st Stop- ring of fire, Pax 1 does 25 merkins while everyone else holds plank position until it’s their turn.
Back to the coupon carry indian run
2nd Stop- ring of fire, Pax 1 does 25 air squats while everyone else holds squat position until it’s their turn
Back to the coupon carry indian run
3rd Stop- ring of fire, Pax 1 does 25 curls while everyone else holds curl position until it’s their turn.
Coupon carry indian run to Flossy’s Hill
Flossy’s Hill
3 Rounds
20 Overhead press at the top of the hill
run down to the bottom, 20 Merkins, Bear crawl to the top( Bear crawls were for Bengay)
farmer carry coupon another 100 yards towards the monkey bars.
Stop and do 20 merkins on your own.
farmer carry coupon to monkey bars
Stop and do 25 tricep dips
Time was called and we returned the coupons back to their cage.
Return to the flag for COT.
Thursday Double down- 5:00am Murph at Fury, 6:00am BC at Talon
Also, You can run a 5K at Gatewood after that at 8:00am
Prayer Request
Jimmy Hughes bone marrow transplant, will be in the hospital for an extended time.
Mountz family
Familys at Thanksgiving experincing the loss of family members and disruption to family dynamics
Devotional on Thankfullness
1 Chronicles 16:34-35
Prayed it up
I was looking through old backblast last night and it seems as if Bengay Q’s an awful lot. Since Bengay was not present for the workout I felt it would be appropriate to use one of his old routines. Plus, Bengay would have wanted bear crawls if he was here for the workout. Great job to everyone this morning especially the young guy that sounded like Hulk but, looked more like Bruce Banner.
Until next time,