F3 Greenwood

Week 1 was finally upon the PAX this morning at the Epicenter. Pre-season ended and the real season started. 16 PAX answered the call and put in solid effort this morning for this beast of a workout.

Disclaimer was given and off we moseyed to the football field.

Killer B Workout

5 rounds for time. Starting at the goal line, broad jump to the 10 yard line and do 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs (counting each leg), and 10 big boi sit-ups. After completing the sit-ups, broad jump to the 20 yard line and repeat the exercises. Rinse and repeat to the 30 yard line. After completing the exercises at the 30 yard line, bearcrawl back to the goal line. Repeat this process 4 more times for a total of 5 rounds.


Rapunzel – 24:12

Uncle Jesse – 24:38

Bean-O – 25:14

Sugar – 26:02

Duggar – 26:40

Papercut – 27:39

Steffi – 28:06

BenGay – 31:57

MeterMaid – 33:44

Ponch (FNG) – 33:48

MaryAnn – 35:30

Mr. Bean – 35:38

Weaver – 36:53

Tickle – 37:46

Pusher – 38:22

Pothole – 39:28



-Schedule change

-Fury will be closed on Thursday and the IPC will be run at Talon

-Epicenter will be open for a normal BC

-We need Q’s

-Post your scores only once.

Prayer Requests

-Polly’s MIL

-Pusher’s mom as they transition her back home



-YHC was very much looking forward to the bearcrawl this morning but YHC has to admit, the broad jump and burpee combo kind of sucked the life out of me. Been the first time in a long time, YHC almost splashed merlot.

-Awesome to see Ponch come out this morning. Heck of an introduction to F3 but he did a great job and hope to see him continuing to come out. Pusher and YHC have been EHing for a while now.

-Despite all of the talk about scoring accuracy and exercise form, the one thing YHC loves from the IronPax is the encouragement from the other PAX who beast through the workouts. That is what F3 is about. Picking up the guy who is sucking wind, (which was YHC this morning) and pushing them through. Hearing the encouragement gives the motivation to keep going. This is what every BC should be about. Picking up the 6 and pushing them beyond what they think they can do. YHC only hopes this continues after this challenge is over.

Until next time,
