19 (I thought we counted 20 at the COT??) Elite kept the Madness going and started their weekend off the right way.
25 SSH IC / 25 cut da grass IC / 25 incline MC IC / 25 decline shoulder taps IC / 25 toe taps IC
“Cones” set up ~50 yards apart to form a square. PAX count off 1-4, break off into groups at all four cones. First cone is Bonnie Blairs, second is Merkins, third Squats, and fourth WWI situps. Bear crawl between cones, but always face parking lot (so a combo of forward, backward, and lateral bear crawls). Reps start at 20 for each cone and decrease by 5 every circuit.
Group 1 hangs on pull-up bars while 2-4 hold squat position for 30 count – 10 pullups / squats OYO. Switcheroo. After all groups complete, up count to 60 and decrease reps to 5.
Prayer Requests – Crayola’s M and her work dealing with COVID cases, BenGay’s mom has heart surgery Friday
Announcements – a lot of breakfast opportunities, Elite Furian week 2 next Saturday at 0600 and potluck brunch at 0900.
Excellent work by all, regardless of age or physical ability. Some modified half of the bearcrawls and some didn’t even attempt the bearcrawls but everyone worked hard and was better for it.
T-claps to Foreclosure for providing the cones, even though they were tough to see from a distance. The chode cones are proof that he doesn’t need to over-compensate for a damn thing.
Crayola was defeated by Pothole before the workout by the dead-hang challenge. Dropped at 1:36. Already some rumblings by Pusher about a tricep extension challenge…
Respectfully yours,